7: Meeting Yuta's Family

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The weeks following the ambush were grueling, but Soonyoung was slowly regaining his strength. The physical wounds were healing, but the emotional scars lingered—anger, frustration, and a deep sense of unfinished business. However, every time those dark thoughts surfaced, Yuta was there, a constant, commanding presence that kept Soonyoung grounded.

Yuta had insisted on taking charge of Soonyoung's recovery, overseeing every aspect with a meticulous eye. He had personally selected the best doctors, ensured the most advanced treatments, and had even moved Soonyoung to a private suite to keep him comfortable. Yuta's authority within the CBI and his influence over those around him were undeniable. It was clear to everyone that when Yuta Nakamoto made a decision, no one dared to oppose it—not even Senior Kang.

As Soonyoung's condition improved, Yuta began to talk about something that had been on his mind for a while.

"Soonyoung," Yuta said one afternoon as they sat in the hospital room, sunlight streaming through the window. He was standing by the window, his back straight, his hands clasped behind him in a posture that exuded authority. "I've been thinking... once you're well enough, we should take a trip."

Soonyoung looked up from the book he was reading, his eyes meeting Yuta's. There was something in Yuta's tone—an edge of determination, as if this wasn't just a suggestion, but a decision already made. "A trip?" Soonyoung echoed, tilting his head slightly in curiosity. "Where to?"

Yuta turned to face him fully, his expression serious. "Japan. I want you to meet my family."

The words hung in the air for a moment, and Soonyoung felt a pang of surprise. Yuta rarely spoke about his family, and Soonyoung had learned not to pry. He knew they were influential, powerful, but beyond that, Yuta kept much of his personal life private. The fact that he was now inviting Soonyoung to meet them was significant—more than significant, it was monumental.

"Your family?" Soonyoung asked softly, trying to gauge Yuta's mood. "Are you sure?"

Yuta's expression softened slightly, though his demeanor remained firm. "Yes. It's time you met them. They need to know about you, and you need to understand the world I come from. Especially after everything that's happened... it's important."

Soonyoung nodded, understanding the gravity of what Yuta was saying. "Alright," he agreed, his voice gentle. "If you think it's important, then I'll go with you."

A rare smile touched Yuta's lips, but it was brief, quickly replaced by his usual composed expression. "Good. I'll make the arrangements."

True to his word, Yuta wasted no time. The next day, he called Senior Kang into Soonyoung's hospital room. The older man entered with his usual stoic expression, but there was a flicker of something like nervousness in his eyes as he approached Yuta.

"You wanted to see me, Yuta?" Senior Kang asked, his tone respectful—almost deferential.

Yuta nodded, not bothering with pleasantries. "Yes, Uncle. Soonyoung is recovering well, and I believe it's time he took some leave to rest properly. We'll be going to Japan."

Senior Kang blinked, clearly caught off guard. "Japan?" he echoed, glancing at Soonyoung, who gave him a small, reassuring smile. "But—"

"No buts," Yuta cut in, his voice firm, brooking no argument. "You've already seen the reports from the doctors. Soonyoung needs rest, away from all of this. Japan is the best place for him to recover fully."

Senior Kang hesitated, but only for a moment. It was clear he was weighing his options, but the outcome was inevitable. Yuta's influence in the CBI was unparalleled, and even Kang, who was Yuta's senior by both age and rank, deferred to him in situations like these.

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