26: What Do You Want?

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The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Jihoon slowly stirred, feeling the warmth of Soonyoung's body beside him. His arm was draped over Soonyoung's chest, the slow rise and fall of his breath soothing. For a moment, everything felt peaceful—like the world outside didn't exist, and it was just the two of them in this moment.

Soonyoung blinked his eyes open, meeting Jihoon's gaze, his lips curving into a soft, sleepy smile. "Morning," he whispered, his voice husky from sleep. He reached up, gently tucking a stray strand of Jihoon's hair behind his ear.

Jihoon felt an unexpected flutter in his chest, a sensation he wasn't quite used to. He let out a soft chuckle, still lying there, taking in Soonyoung's disheveled appearance. "Morning," he replied, his voice quiet but warm.

Soonyoung traced a finger down Jihoon's jawline, his eyes searching Jihoon's as if trying to memorize every detail. "You know," Soonyoung began, his tone soft but filled with a quiet intensity, "No matter what you've been through, I'll be your heaven if you let me."

Jihoon felt his heart skip a beat at Soonyoung's words. He looked away for a second, processing the weight behind them, before turning back to meet his gaze. "I've been through hell," Jihoon admitted, his voice raw, "but with you, heaven doesn't seem so far."

The vulnerability in his words hung between them, creating a new kind of intimacy. Soonyoung's expression softened, and he pulled Jihoon closer, their bodies now fully pressed against each other. "Then let me help you forget that hell," Soonyoung whispered, planting a gentle kiss on Jihoon's forehead.

Jihoon sighed softly, burying his face into Soonyoung's neck, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat against his skin. They lay in silence for a while, just holding each other, neither feeling the need to rush the moment.

"I never thought I'd find this," Jihoon murmured, his voice muffled. "Not with someone like you."

Soonyoung chuckled, his fingers tracing lazy circles on Jihoon's back. "You mean irresistible and charming?"

Jihoon pulled back just enough to roll his eyes. "I meant annoyingly persistent."

"Hey, that persistence worked, didn't it?" Soonyoung grinned, pulling Jihoon into another kiss, playful yet tender.

Jihoon smirked as they broke apart, his breath slightly uneven. "Maybe it did," he admitted, resting his forehead against Soonyoung's, their breaths mingling.

"Maybe?" Soonyoung teased, though his voice was filled with warmth and affection. "You're just lucky I'm patient."

They stayed like that for a long moment, neither of them wanting to leave the comfort of each other's arms. Soonyoung finally sighed, pulling Jihoon impossibly closer. "I don't ever want to let you go."

Jihoon's hand moved up to cup Soonyoung's cheek, his thumb gently brushing over his skin. "Then don't," he whispered.

And in that quiet morning light, with the world outside forgotten, they stayed wrapped up in each other—finding their own heaven amidst the chaos of their lives.


The tension in the room was palpable as the police station prepared for the arrival of Heesung—or as they now knew him, Ethan. Officers bustled around, some making last-minute adjustments to their paperwork, others murmuring among themselves about the man whose identity had been a mystery for so long. They had finally secured this meeting, and the weight of it pressed down on everyone, especially Sungmin and Soonyoung.

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