14: Better for Soonyoung

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After the intense encounter at the wedding, Soonyoung drove back to the apartment he shared with Yuta. The entire way, his mind was a whirlwind of frustration and anger. The memory of Jihoon's smug expression and the way everyone in that room had looked at him with amusement burned in his thoughts. It was supposed to be his moment of victory, yet once again, Jihoon had slipped through his fingers.

When Soonyoung finally stepped through the door, he barely noticed Yuta sitting on the couch, flipping through a book. His mind was elsewhere, consumed by the failure that seemed to echo in every corner of his mind. The moment the door clicked shut behind him, however, the weight of the day's events crashed down on him all at once. His composed façade shattered, and the anger he'd held back erupted into the room.

"Damn it!" Soonyoung shouted, slamming his fist against the wall. The sound reverberated through the room, startling Yuta, who immediately stood up, concern etched on his face.

"Soonyoung, what happened?" Yuta asked, his voice soft but laced with worry. He had never seen Soonyoung like this before, not so raw, so utterly defeated.

Soonyoung didn't answer immediately. His breathing was ragged, his shoulders tense. He turned to Yuta, his expression a mixture of anger and despair. "I had him, Yuta. I had him right there, and he made a fool out of me—in front of everyone."

Yuta crossed the room quickly, placing a reassuring hand on Soonyoung's shoulder. "It's okay, we'll get him next time. You know it's not easy dealing with someone like Jihoon. You're doing everything you can."

But Soonyoung shook his head, pulling away and running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It's not enough, Yuta. Every time I get close, he finds a way to slip through my grasp. Every. Single. Time. And they just laugh at me, like it's all a game to them."

Yuta's heart ached seeing Soonyoung like this. He hated seeing the man he loved so defeated, so torn apart by his own perceived failures. "Soonyoung, listen to me," Yuta said, his voice firm yet gentle as he stepped closer again. "You're one of the best at what you do. The fact that you've come so close so many times proves that you're capable of catching him. Jihoon's just...he's slippery, but that doesn't mean you're not good enough."

But it was clear that Soonyoung was still struggling, his emotions raw and uncontrollable. "I'm supposed to be the one who brings him to justice, Yuta. It's my job. And instead, I'm the one being laughed at. I'm the one who's failing."

Seeing that words weren't enough, Yuta did the only thing he could think of—he wrapped his arms around Soonyoung, pulling him into a tight embrace. For a moment, Soonyoung tensed, but then all the fight seemed to drain out of him. He buried his face into Yuta's shoulder, the anger giving way to exhaustion and a deep, painful frustration.

"I just...I don't know what to do anymore," Soonyoung whispered, his voice breaking as he finally allowed himself to show how much the situation was affecting him.

Yuta held him tighter, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "You're doing your best, and that's all you can do. Sometimes, the best plans don't work out, but that doesn't mean you give up. You'll catch him, Soonyoung. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but you will. And I'll be right here with you, no matter what."

Soonyoung didn't respond immediately. He just stayed there, leaning into Yuta's embrace, letting the warmth and comfort slowly ease the storm inside him. After a long moment, he pulled back slightly, looking at Yuta with eyes that were still full of turmoil but also a deep, unspoken gratitude.

"Thank you," Soonyoung said quietly, his voice hoarse but sincere.

Yuta smiled softly, brushing a few strands of hair away from Soonyoung's face. "You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you, always."

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