10: Mission Failed

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The news of another drug smuggling racket being busted by the CBI sent shockwaves through the criminal underworld, and it didn't take long for Soonyoung to hear about it. Sitting in his office, he sifted through the reports, his eyes narrowing as he came across a name that he had been all too familiar with for years: Lee Jihoon.

The evidence was circumstantial but damning. The operation had been carefully orchestrated, and while the direct connection to Jihoon was thin, it was enough to raise suspicion. Soonyoung's heart pounded as he read through the details, memories of their last encounter flooding back—memories of betrayal, hurt, and the bitter taste of unfinished business. The grudges he had buried deep within himself now resurfaced with a vengeance.

His decision was made in an instant.

Soonyoung picked up his phone and dialed the number for his team. His voice was steady, but there was an edge to it that hadn't been there before. "We're moving in on Lee Jihoon. I want him brought in for questioning. This time, we're not letting him slip through our fingers."

He hung up the phone, his gaze hardening as he stared out the window of his office. He had let Jihoon escape justice once before, and it had haunted him ever since. This was his chance to finally set things right, to put an end to the chapter that had plagued him for so long.

The grand ballroom shimmered under the light of crystal chandeliers, each facet catching the glow of a thousand candles. Blue hydrangeas adorned every corner, a tribute to Minghao's favorite color, their delicate petals almost glowing against the rich gold and ivory drapery. The Midnight gang, resplendent in their finest suits, laughed and chatted among themselves, each member exuding an aura of power and elegance. The entire mafia world was celebrating the union of Junhui and Minghao, two souls whose love had withstood the most dangerous trials.

Jihoon, in a sleek black tuxedo, leaned against the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand, his usual scowl replaced by a rare, contented smile. "I never thought I'd see the day," he muttered to Joshua, who stood beside him with a grin of his own.

Joshua chuckled, clinking his glass against Jihoon's. "A wedding like this? Yeah, it's surreal. But look at them." He nodded towards Junhui and Minghao, who were dancing in the center of the room, utterly lost in each other's eyes. "They deserve this."

Jeonghan, standing on Jihoon's other side, nudged him playfully. "You're next, Jihoon. Can't be all work and no play forever, you know."

Jihoon snorted, rolling his eyes. "I'll get married the day Seungcheol hyung grows a sense of humor."

"Hey!" Seungcheol shot back, feigning offense, but before the banter could continue, the grand double doors at the far end of the room swung open with a loud bang.

The entire ballroom fell silent, heads turning towards the entrance. Standing in the doorway, framed by the opulent surroundings, was Officer Kwon Soonyoung, flanked by several other officers. His face was set in a grim expression, eyes scanning the room until they landed on Jihoon.

"Lee Jihoon!" Soonyoung's voice cut through the air like a knife. "You are under arrest for multiple counts of murder, conspiracy, and illegal arms dealing. Hands where I can see them."

The room erupted into murmurs of shock and disbelief. Jihoon, however, remained perfectly calm, taking a slow sip of his whiskey before setting the glass down with a deliberate clink.

"You've got to be kidding me," he drawled, turning to fully face Soonyoung. "Did you really have to crash a wedding for this? Classy, Soonyoung. Really classy."

Soonyoung's jaw tightened. "This isn't a joke, Jihoon. Put your hands up and come quietly."

Jihoon smirked, stepping forward with a swagger that suggested he was in complete control of the situation. "I'm sorry, Officer, but if you wanted an arrest, you should've come to me sooner. My schedule's a bit packed tonight." He gestured lazily towards the ongoing celebration. "And besides, I'm not really in the mood for handcuffs, unless..." His voice dipped into a mockingly seductive tone. "You're offering a different kind of party."

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