16: Find Heesung

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The atmosphere in Senior Kang's office was thick with tension. The faint hum of the fluorescent lights above only added to the oppressive weight of the conversation unfolding. Officer Kwon Soonyoung stood at attention, his sharp eyes fixed on the old man seated behind the desk. Senior Kang, the towering figure of authority in the CBI, studied him with a calculating gaze, flanked by his nephew Yuta and the head of the CBI, Taeyong.

"You're close, Soonyoung," Senior Kang said, his gravelly voice cutting through the silence. "One more push and the Midnight gang will fall. Jihoon is the key. Bring him in, and that promotion is yours."

Soonyoung's jaw clenched. His thoughts raced with the months of investigations, the near-misses, the tension between him and Jihoon that was more than just professional. He had nearly died once because of Jihoon—he knew how dangerous the man could be. But now, he was even closer to bringing him down, especially with the information they had just obtained from Jisoo.

Beside Senior Kang, Yuta's expression was unreadable, but his eyes flickered with something dark, something protective. He glanced at Soonyoung, then at his uncle, and back again. As Soonyoung's boyfriend, Yuta knew better than anyone the danger this mission held. He also knew that Jihoon had almost killed Soonyoung once before—and Yuta wasn't willing to risk Soonyoung's life for this vendetta.

"You're seriously putting him back on Jihoon's trail?" Yuta's voice was sharp, cutting through the room like a blade. His usual calm demeanor was gone, replaced with anger. He stepped forward, eyes narrowing. "He nearly got killed last time. You want him dead?"

Taeyong, who had remained quiet, shifted his stance, arms crossed. "It's Soonyoung's job, Yuta. You knew this when you started dating him. The Midnight gang needs to be taken down."

Yuta's gaze snapped to Taeyong, his anger boiling over. "I don't care about the job. I care about him. Jihoon's already tried once, and this time..." He trailed off, turning to Soonyoung, his voice lowering, fierce. "If you go after him again, you won't get a second chance."

Soonyoung swallowed hard but didn't waver. "I know what I'm doing, Yuta."

Yuta's jaw tightened, his voice trembling with frustration. "You don't. Jihoon isn't just another criminal to you, Soonyoung. You don't think clearly when it comes to him, and it'll get you killed."

Senior Kang slammed a fist onto the desk, making everyone jump. "Enough!" His voice boomed with authority. "This isn't a discussion, Yuta. Soonyoung will finish the job. The CBI needs this, and so does he."

Yuta's eyes burned with fury, but he held back, his gaze locking with Soonyoung's. There was a plea in his eyes, a silent question—*Is this worth your life?*

But Soonyoung couldn't back down. "I have to do this, Yuta," he said, his voice steady despite the tension radiating from him. "Jihoon won't stop until someone stops him. It has to be me."

Yuta's lips pressed into a thin line, his fists clenched at his sides. He wanted to scream, to tear the entire plan apart, but he knew Soonyoung's resolve was unbreakable. And that terrified him.

"You'll regret this," Yuta whispered, voice thick with emotion, before turning on his heel and storming out of the office.

The room fell into an uneasy silence. Taeyong exchanged a glance with Senior Kang, but Soonyoung stood firm, his heart racing as Yuta's words echoed in his mind. He couldn't think about his boyfriend now. Not with Jihoon so close. Not with his career and life on the line.

As Taeyong and Soonyoung stepped out of Senior Kang's office, the door closed behind them with a soft click, but the tension between them lingered in the air like a thick fog. The narrow hallway of the CBI headquarters felt colder, quieter, as the weight of their next steps pressed heavily on their minds. The conversation with Senior Kang had left Soonyoung with a knot of uncertainty in his gut, but he masked it well, his face showing only the sharp, focused expression of a man on a mission.

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