0: Officer Kwon Soonyoung

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Officer Kwon Soonyoung sat in his dimly lit office at the CBI headquarters, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The weight of the case file in front of him was heavy, but the thought of what it represented was even heavier: a chance to bring down one of the most notorious and elusive criminal organizations in the country, the Midnight gang. And at the heart of it all was Lee Jihoon.

Jihoon was a name that sent shivers down the spines of law enforcement across the country. Known for his cold precision and ruthless efficiency, he was the mastermind behind the Midnight gang's extensive drug smuggling operations. Under his leadership, the gang had flourished, expanding its reach and influence far beyond what anyone had anticipated. And yet, despite his reputation, Jihoon had always managed to slip through the fingers of justice—until now.

Soonyoung leaned back in his chair, flipping through the file with a mix of excitement and satisfaction. "Lee Jihoon," he mused aloud, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "the untouchable ghost of the Midnight gang. Everyone's so terrified of you, aren't they? But not me, Jihoon. Not me."

He chuckled to himself, the sound echoing in the empty office. For Soonyoung, this wasn't just about justice or duty—it was personal. The Midnight gang had been a thorn in his side for too long, and the thought of finally putting an end to their reign of terror was almost intoxicating. But more than that, it was about proving a point. He didn't need a team or a task force. He was Officer Kwon Soonyoung, and he was enough.

"People say you're a genius, Jihoon," Soonyoung continued, his tone mocking as he imagined Jihoon sitting across from him, "that you're always ten steps ahead, always outsmarting everyone. But you know what they say about geniuses, right? They always have a blind spot. And guess what? I've found yours."

He slammed the file shut and stood up, pacing around his office. His mind was already racing with strategies, potential traps, and how he could manipulate the situation to his advantage. Jihoon might be brilliant, but Soonyoung prided himself on being just as clever—if not more so.

"You're alone, Jihoon," Soonyoung said, almost as if he were speaking directly to him. "All those years of being the brains behind the Midnight gang, and yet, here you are, isolated. No Seungcheol, no Jeonghan to back you up. They think you're safe, that you can handle anything on your own. But that's where they're wrong."

He paused by the window, looking out at the city below, the lights twinkling like stars in the darkness. "They underestimated me," he muttered, his voice low and dangerous. "Just like you're about to."

The idea of going after Jihoon alone didn't faze Soonyoung; in fact, it thrilled him. He relished the thought of facing Jihoon head-on, proving once and for all that the so-called 'untouchable' Lee Jihoon was just as vulnerable as anyone else. It wasn't just about bringing Jihoon to justice—it was about showing everyone, especially Jihoon himself, that he wasn't invincible.

"So, let's see," Soonyoung continued, almost as if he were having a casual conversation. "You've got your little operations spread out all over the place, don't you? Drugs, money, power—all carefully balanced, all so neatly arranged. But what happens when someone starts pulling at those threads? What happens when one little piece of your perfect puzzle falls apart?"

He smirked, the thought of Jihoon's world unraveling bringing him a twisted sense of satisfaction. "You think you've covered all your bases, but you've forgotten one thing, Jihoon: I don't play by the rules. I don't need to. And that's where you'll fall."

Soonyoung turned away from the window, his decision made. He would go after Jihoon with everything he had, and he would do it alone. He didn't need backup or a team of agents complicating things. This was his case, his victory. And when it was all over, when Lee Jihoon was finally behind bars, Soonyoung would be the one standing tall, his name synonymous with the downfall of the Midnight gang.

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