30: Feelings & Emotions

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The warehouse air was thick with tension, the musty scent of damp concrete mixing with the sharp tang of fear. Jihoon could barely keep his legs steady, his eyes darting between the kidnapper and Soonyoung, who was trembling behind him. The masked figure, armed with a long knife, circled Jihoon like a predator, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

Jihoon's breath came in ragged gasps, adrenaline surging through his veins as he braced himself for the inevitable attack. The kidnapper lunged, the knife slashing through the air toward Jihoon's chest.

It was in that split second—just as the blade was about to make contact—that the warehouse door burst open with a deafening crash. Seungcheol stormed in like a force of nature, his eyes ablaze with fury. He moved faster than Jihoon could register, grabbing the kidnapper by the arm with a vice-like grip. With a powerful twist, he disarmed the attacker, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

The kidnapper barely had time to react before Seungcheol threw a punishing punch, knocking them to the floor with a brutal efficiency that left no room for retaliation. His presence was overwhelming—commanding, lethal, and terrifying.

Seungcheol stood over the defeated attacker, eyes cold as he delivered one final, bone-chilling warning. "Don't ever touch him again."

The silence that followed was suffocating. Jihoon, still in shock, stumbled back, clutching his side where the blade had nearly struck. His mind spun, heart still racing from the near-death encounter. But then Seungcheol's attention shifted, his fierce expression softening in an instant as he turned to Jihoon.

"Jihoon," Seungcheol's voice was low, almost tender. His eyes swept over him, assessing for any injuries. "Are you hurt?"

Jihoon shook his head, but his legs finally gave out from under him. Seungcheol was there in a flash, catching him before he hit the ground. The dangerous edge in his gaze disappeared, replaced by something gentler, almost fatherly, as he helped Jihoon steady himself.

"You're okay now. I've got you," Seungcheol murmured, his large hand resting reassuringly on Jihoon's shoulder, the grip firm yet protective. "You should've called me sooner. Don't be stubborn next time."

Jihoon managed a weak smile, despite the lingering fear coursing through him. "I didn't want to drag you into this..."

Seungcheol clicked his tongue in frustration, his voice firm yet caring. "Don't be stupid, Jihoon. You're important. I'll always come for you."

For a moment, Seungcheol's thumb brushed Jihoon's cheek in a rare display of affection. It was fleeting, but enough to remind Jihoon of the complex relationship they shared—one filled with power, loyalty, and an unspoken bond.

However, the brief moment of warmth vanished when Seungcheol's gaze shifted to Soonyoung, who was still shaking in the corner. His face hardened, and his tone turned icy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Seungcheol snapped, his voice laced with disdain. "This is all your fault, isn't it?"

Soonyoung, visibly shaken, stammered, "I-I didn't—"

"Save it." Seungcheol's words cut through the air like a blade. "You think you can protect him? You're just a kid playing in a world you don't belong to."

Soonyoung flinched at the harsh words, his face pale. "I... I care about Jihoon..."

Seungcheol scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he towered over Soonyoung. "Care about him? You think that's enough? You almost got him killed tonight because you didn't know how to handle yourself. Stay out of his life before you make things worse."

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