Pastries and Bullet Wounds - Spencer Reid

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Word Count: 1723

Pairing: Spencer Reid x Male! Baker! Reader

Warning: canon typical violence, takes place when Spencer is shot in the leg

Summary: based on above request from my tumblr

A/n: Hello and once again thank you for the requests, I have enjoyed writing all of them. I hope this lives up to expectations, afterall i did make you wait forever for it to be finished. Anyways, as always enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Spencer had started going to this little bakery on the way to work every morning for the last couple of months. If anyone had asked him why he would definitely not say it was because of the handsome baker who helps him every day and makes him feel welcome. It's definitely not because said baker checks on him everytime he comes back from a case and gives him a free pastry because 'they had extra'. No it was not because he got butterflies every time the baker returned his random facts with his own about baked goods. No Spencer just liked supporting small local businesses. Denial aside, Spencer really did enjoy his daily visits to the bakery. It was a good little constant in his hectic routine.

Y/n also enjoyed Spencer's daily visits. Having worked at the bakery for quite some time it was only natural for him to have picked out a favorite regular, his just happened to be the brown haired doctor who works for the FBI. It was a bright part of his day when the tall man came to the shop and gave random facts about coffee or baked goods, while Y/n prepared the order.

The friendship between baker and regular customer is normally just that. A baker who likes to make their customers feel welcome and a regular who enjoys said baker's small talk. But for these two it quickly became something a little more. Small talk about where Spencer had gone on his latest case and how Y/n decided running a bakery was his dream, turned to slightly longer conversations about other aspects of their lives. Spencer voicing his worries for his mother and Y/n talking about some stupid thing a family member had gotten mad about.

As their friendship grew, so did the longing in both of their hearts. Neither man was sure what the other felt about him, so it was left to glances and subtle flirting. Well subtle flirting from Y/n's side of things, Spencer wasn't great with flirting. Either way they both fell into a routine of dancing around their true feelings, not wanting to ruin the calm mornings they spent together when Spencer wasn't away on cases.

This dance of theirs went on for a few months, Y/n trying to get Spencer to realize he was interested by giving him free pastries and Spencer being clueless. Spencer may not have realized what Y/n was doing but he also was trying to show interest in his own way. His random daily facts had gone from the usual comments about how or why people make certain treats, to details that pertain more to the romantic side of things. Y/n just thought Spencer had run out of his usual facts and that the ones he was using now, were just what he had left. Both men were clueless and to anyone who saw from an outside point of view they both looked hopeless.

Everything finally changed one day. There wasn't anything particularly different about the day, at first. What was different was instead of the normal lanky doctor walking through the doors right as the bakery opened, a blonde woman with funky glasses walked in instead. This wouldn't have been weird had she not looked like there was something wrong and walked up to the counter looking around frantically.

"Um excuse me, I'm looking for Y/n Y/l/n." The woman asked.

Having heard the woman speak, Y/n walked from the back where he was prepping some pastries for the oven. Wiping his hands on his apron, Y/n greeted the blonde with a gentle smile. "Hello, I'm Y/n. What can I help you with?" He asked hoping that it was something he could get sorted and not take too long on, after all he just assumed this was an unhappy customer coming to complain.

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