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C201 - What you wish for- Part 4

Lisa pursed her lips, not knowing what else to say to comfort the woman whose daughter had been called as the suspect. Lady Rosamund offered Lisa a kind smile.     

"You must have been very shaken yourself," said Lady Rosamund with an apologetic look on her face, "Once anyone enters the castle, they are never safe. Everyone's life hangs by the strength of a thread. There have been many times when Somi had ended up in trouble, but we have been lucky to save her."     

Lisa had figured it out today. She hadn't expected before the hunting that someone would try to hunt her. Unexpected things kept happening, and she knew it was only the beginning.     

"Is she resting now?" asked Lisa as it was rude to not ask about Lady Somi's health. If Somi had the same or half the abilities like Jungkook when it came to healing, the marks would disappear by this time tomorrow. But considering Jungkook's different lineage, Lisa doubted that Somi would heal as quickly as Jungkook did.      

"Yes, I just put her to bed before coming here. Jennie is with her right now," replied Lady Rosamund to turn behind when a maid walked towards them. The vampiress waved her hand at the maid for her to leave. Turning back to look at Lisa again, the woman offered her a smile before placing her hand on Lisa's arm as if to comfort her, "Did you see what I meant, dear. The King did not spare his mother, and he won't spare his cousin sister, who had nothing to do with it. I am sure you understand now why I am offering you help. I know girls like you. Simple, with an ambition to get married to a rich family maybe, but this is not for you. You deserve something better, dear."     

Lady Rosamund had a look of concern on her face as if she cared for Lisa's life. The woman continued to say, "We don't know who shot the arrow. You were lucky that the King was there, but you cannot say that he is going to be there the next time when something like this happens. I wish nothing but a good lif-"     

Lisa placed her hand on Lady Rosamund's hand that had the woman stop speaking.      

The older vampiress saw Lisa smile back, she was glad to see that the human agreed to her words. At least that is what it seemed like until Lisa parted her lips to speak,     

"Thank you for your kind concern, Lady Rosamund. I am happy that you are looking out for me," said Lisa. Lady Rosamund nodded her head in agreement. But then Lisa pushed the older vampiress' hand away from her arm, that had the smile on the lady's face falter, "I know what the castle life is. That being part of the royal family is not going to be easy, but I have decided to go with it."     

What? Lady Rosamund asked in her mind. Her eyes narrowed while she tried not to bring any vile expression on her face, "Do you know what you are saying, Lady Lisa?" she questioned.      

Lisa nodded her head.      

"I do, milady. I do," Lisa repeated the words, "I know I am new to this world in here, but I have decided to stay here. Even if a family member feels threatened, they don't leave their position. Your family has been brave. Lady Somi has been brave, and I wouldn't want any harm to befall on her," she offered the older lady a kind smile, "Allow me to take a fall instead of her," this time she was the one who placed her hand on Lady Rosamund's arm, "Excuse me, I need to change my clothes."      

Bowing her head, she left the woman who looked taken aback while Lisa walked inside the room. She closed and locked the room. Her heart thumped in her chest once she heard the lady left the front of her room.      

Letting a sigh escape from her lips, she walked further inside the room. She took a bath before changing her clothes to a dry one.     

On the other side of the castle which was not near the King's quarters, where the guest's rooms were located in one of the rooms, Somi laid on the bed with eyes that was swollen because of the tears. The young vampiress had broken down after Jungkook and Lisa left the forest.      

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