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C386 - Warm sheets- Part 2

As she had thought, Jungkook had worn nothing but the robe around his body as he had only finished taking a bath. His tousled hair was slowly drying as they didn't stick to his forehead anymore as she had seen when she had stepped into the room. He stood there as naked as her, his body taut and proud whilst she continued to keep her hands in the same position.       

It was hard to look further down from his face because of the way he looked at her as if one small movement from her would lead this big bad wolf to gobble her up. The look in his eyes was something that reminded her of the time when he had cornered her in one of the corridors of the castle before she had run away from him to join the crowd during the time of Hallow. His eyes were intense and intimidating, but there was also something else in there, something dark and dangerous that lurked behind those red eyes of his.      

When he took a step forward towards Lisa, out of instinct, it looked like she was ready to bolt from where she stood. "Don't try that," warned Jungkook, his voice deep and seductive.     

"I didn't do anything," she replied to see him raise one of his eyebrows.      

"I know, darling. I am asking you to be cautious to not to run because you know I enjoy a good chase, and the chase tonight will turn one to be a tempting one," he said, walking around to stand behind her. "But the question here is if you will survive at the end of the chase?"      

Lisa felt him place his hands on either side of her waist, settling on the curve and his thumb started to draw circles on her skin before suddenly pulling her against him. She wondered if it was possible to have one's soul leave the body because that is exactly how she felt. With his front body pressed against her back, she could feel his manhood pressed on her bottom, almost coming to settle on the crease of her bottom.      

"You wouldn't do something I don't like," came her breathy words that were hard to get out of her lips, but Jungkook heard it. He always heard what she said.      

"Hm, who said I would do something you wouldn't like," said Jungkook, he leaned forward to the right side of her face. His words came to fall right next to her ear, "You will possibly pass out before we are done. To let go of the raw emotions, that might burn you. But who knows, you might want more, and I might not just give it to you, holding it back until you give in." His words sent a shiver down her body, "Let's keep that for some other time."     

Every word he uttered to her, she felt like her body had already started to sink and float in them. Feeling him push his lower body on her back, Lisa's hand went to hold Jungkook's leg for support, and she felt him move her hair to one side so that he could press his lips against her neck. One kiss after another, sighs escaped her lips at the feeling of his lips brushing and pressing against her skin. She could feel butterflies in her stomach with Jungkook holding and caressing her.     

When she turned her head around, Jungkook caught hold of her lips in his, opening up to her and she to him as they kissed again. She tasted sweet, the rose fragrance wafting up and around them as he continued to tease her with kisses and brush of his fingers on her stomach that had her push and arch herself towards him.     

Unable to contain himself, he bit her lips to hear a soft cry erupt from her throat and he sucked the blood from her bottom lip.     

"You are hungry," she whispered on his lips, and Jungkook smiled.     

"More than you can imagine." He retraced his hands away from her before picking her up in his arms and taking her to bed.      

Jungkook placed Lisa gently at the centre of the surface of the bed before taking a moment to look at his newlywed wife who looked up at him with doe-like eyes in anticipation of what he had in store for her. She looked beautiful right now, her golden blonde hair sprawled around her head, and her hands brought up to her front and her knees folded to place her feet flat on the bed.      

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