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C236 - Empty Graves- Part 3

While Jungkook introduced himself to her grandparents, Lisa held her breath as she stared at her grandparents, who glared at Jungkook but not too obviously. Lisa, who knew about her grandparent's distaste towards vampires, wished she could cushion about him being a vampire so that it wouldn't be as impactful as Jungkook had dropped the information to them.      

"Excuse me?" her grandmother asked Jungkook as if she didn't hear what the vampire said.      

Everyone knew the older woman heard it loud and clear, but she was still asking out of shock. Jungkook took note of why Lisa's parents had been sharing looks when he mentioned going to visit Mr. Harris' parent's. It was because the older folks didn't like night creatures.      

Jungkook said, "Lisa and I are getting married in less than three weeks. We are here to take your blessings and also invite you," his words were polite and charming, his eyes looking at her grandparents whose eyes only narrowed at his words.      

"Do your parents know about it?" asked Lisa's grandfather to Lisa, and she nodded her head.      

"Yes, grandpa. They are in the castle right now," she answered.      

"Castle?" her grandmother raised her eyebrows in question. It had only been five minutes since Lisa had knocked on the door, but her grandparents had not invited them in because of the night creature who had accompanied her here to the house.      

Lisa licked her lips, and replied to her grandmother's curious gaze, "This is Jungkook Hawthrone. The King of Devon," she introduced him properly. Her grandparents didn't look one bit pleased. Somewhere, Lisa noticed how her grandfather's eyes narrowed before the intense gaze reduced.      

Both her grandparents bowed their head, "Please come in," her grandfather invited them into the house.      

Jungkook smiled, looking at Lisa's grandparents who didn't want to let him in, but they invited him anyway out of politeness. He was the King, and it was rude to refuse and be rude to him. It would cost one's head to go against him. Lisa, on the other hand, had noticed the sudden change in her grandfather's demeanour which she didn't question. Stepping inside the house after her grandfather and Jungkook, she stepped in with her grandmother.     

Her grandmother said,     

"Isn't it too early to be getting married? We didn't hear a word about it," her grandmother placed her hand on Lisa's back before letting it go, to close the door.      

"It was decided a few weeks ago," Jungkook interjected even though the question was directed towards Lisa.      

Lisa's grandmother was not impressed with the fact that the blood-sucking creature was answering her question, "Still a few weeks is a little early, isn't it?" asked the woman, "I am hoping it is a marriage that both of you have agreed upon?"      

Unlike her parents, Lisa's grandparents were sharp and calculative with their words. Her grandmother was doubting if Lisa was being forced into marriage, "Isn't that how marriage takes place?" Jungkook questioned back, "Lisa is a beautiful and kind girl. I don't see the point of why we need to wait when we want to spend our lives together."     

Lisa didn't comment on this. The beginning part of it was not the true story, but Lisa loved her grandparents, and she didn't want them sleeping in their graves anytime soon because of Jungkook.      

Stepping inside the living room, chairs were pulled to sit. Lisa looked towards Jungkook, who looked back at her with a grin on his face. Lisa knew Jungkook was not someone, not to notice the hostile attitude that came from her grandparents.      

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