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Word Count - 659____________________________________Vansh's pov

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Word Count - 659
Vansh's pov

I walked inside a big building with labs present in every room of the building. While Getting into a reputable Hospital, I also applied for a forensic job which I luckily got. When I was completing my Medical degree in london, I also majored in Forensic Science.

I almost believed the death of maya sobing heartly for her. Who won't!? Won't your heart bleed when you Like Someone and that someone dies?

But the butterfly tatoo on her wrist which was half burnt sparked my attention.

Maya Never had a tatoo on her body, leave wrist.She does'nt like tattoos at all.

I directly Sent her body to the forensic team of Jharkhand. I myself carefully extracted her DNA from her bones and teeth and sent the samples to the Forensic team that day itself.

The result will be coming today. And with the every cell of my body, I'm praying the DNA to not match.

Various types of equipments,Chemical in The jars placed nicely in the rack And a lot of Interns with their respective teachers aka Forensic Scientists.

I entered to the respective room Where I was needed. A white ply table,Some files scattering above The table like trees in storms.

And in a Swivel Chair, There's my friend Ms. Chandni Seth reading an Autopsy report with her glass round glasses covering most of her face.

Since our college day, she had an odd liking towards big round glasses even though she has only a little eye problems. She loves glasses especially those with beautiful frames.


"Hey dude! Long time huh!"

"Yeah long time"

"So,What brought you here Mr. Buddha!"

She always called me Buddha. Why won't she? I always avoided girls, parties or getting drunk because I was scared i'll lose my virginity or my first kiss.

And the night We were playing truth and dare, I kissed Maya, the girl for whom I was saving my body. And Like This I got my nickname buddha.

"I sent you samples day before yesterday in the name of Ratan, Give Autopsy of that"

"Ah I see you are that Ratan Sharma" she said "Here" giving me one of the files that was on her table.

I took the report and went to my personalized cabin where only I can enter and whoever wants to Come have to take appointment.

This is like a secret base to me. These type of secret base is given to each and every forensic scientists here. That's why I like it.

As I was going to sit on my chair. My phone rang. The caller Id was of Sahil.. Sahil Arora!
Why is he calling me?

I picked up The call.

  I said. No reply came from the other side."hello" I again said. A sob cracked from the other side.

"Sahil?" I spoke up. Is he crying?

"Don't back off Vansh, It's not just your battle. You're fighting for hundreds of victims. Whatever happens don't give up!! " he took a long big sigh,

a sob sigh and continued "If you ever need any kind of help, give me a call.. The next second i'll be there even at the cost of my life"

And the call was cut From his side.

What's going on!!

I sat on the swivel chair and opened the file. And as I guessed and prayed , DNA didn't matched. The girl who was wearing Div's nightie is not Maya.

The girl's name is Ms. Shanaya Arora. Arora? Is she somehow related to Sahil Arora? But he said He's orphan.

By soot Inhalation report, she was alive when her body was burnt. And she was beaten and raped before her body got burnt. But the real thing is Why was she wearing maya's clothes!

Whatever it is. Now I can come to conclusion that she is not dead.

Maya's Alive.

But Where is she?


Yours Author

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