Mutual Face Reveal - Mezo Shoji

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Word Count: 899

Paring: Mezo Shoji x gn!reader

Summary: Based on the above request

A/n: Hello and thank you so much for this request. I love Shoji so much, so seeing that he was requested made my heart squeal. Also I went with a quirk that gives them animal-like teeth because the only blood quirk I could think of was like a vampire and I wasn't grooving with it. I hope this lives up to your expectations. So as always enjoy, and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Being fresh out of U.A. and taking a job as Pro's sidekick introduced Mezo to meet new people. He may have never been the most social of Class A, but the other rookie sidekick who wore a mask over the lower part of their face piqued his interest. So, to his own surprise he started to befriend them.

Their friendship started out as simply going on patrol and talking while watching for villains. After fighting alongside them, Mezo learned that Y/n's quirk was called Druid, essentially they could shapeshift into a variety of different animals. Y/n had also revealed to him over a cup of coffee that a side effect of their quirk was they had animal like teeth and so they wear the mask.

After Y/n had explained why they wore their mask, Mezo also told Y/n the story behind his own mask. This was still early in their friendship so neither were ready to actually show their face, and both parties were ok with that. There was no pressure to reveal such an important part of themself until they were ready.

This mutual understanding of each other helped their friendship grow past just partners who went on patrol together. Over time they started seeing each other on their days off, going to the mall or the movies. Some days they would meet at one of their apartments and just stay in and relax.

Both of the masked heroes had grown accustomed to being in the other's presence, to the point that Mezo was starting to feel like maybe it was time to show Y/n his true face. He felt truly comfortable around them and knew that they would never cast judgment over him or his scars. And so having decided it was finally time for this major step, Mezo invited his close friend to hang out.

When Y/n finally arrived at Mezo's apartment, they were expecting to be greeted by Mezo's masked face. But to their surprise when Mezo opened the door, he wasn't wearing his normal blue mask, instead he greeted them with a smile. Seeing the face behind their friend's mask left them frozen, not in fear but in pure surprise that he felt comfortable enough to show his face to them.

Taking their moment of silence as a bad sign, Mezo began to internally panic that he had messed up. His smile slowly dropped from his face as he looked to the side trying to think of something to say. "Sorry, I just figured we'd been friends for long enough that I could take a break from wearing the mask." He quickly said. "If you want to wait on the couch, I'll put it back on."

After registering his words,Y/n shook their head. "NO." The word came out a little too loud and fast startling both parties. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout or scare you. What I meant was, no you don't have to put the mask back on. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around me to want to have it off." Y/n corrected themself, giving Mezo a smile. "So, are you going to let me in or are we going to stand in the doorway for the rest of the day?" Y/n asked with a joke.

Mezo nodded before opening the door further and gesturing for Y/n to entire the apartment. "Well, this was kinda all I had planned for the day. So is there anything you want to watch or do?" Mezo asked as the pair sat on the couch.

Y/n thought for a moment before responding. "You know I was just thinking how funny it is that you choose today of all days to do a face reveal." They stated as if it was one of the most obvious things in the world. Mezo turned to look at them confused by the statement. As far as he could remember today wasn't a special occasion, so what did they mean by that. Seeing the confused look on Mezo's face Y/n laughed. "Don't worry it's not a special occasion, well not yet but we might change that." Once again Mezo was confused. Deciding that they had tortured him enough, they started to move their own mask, pulling it down below their chin. "I said it was funny you chose today to do a face reveal because I was also planning on taking off my mask." They finished giving Mezo a smile that showed off their sharp predator like canines that rested slightly over their bottom lip.

It was Mezo's turn to freeze in surprise. He had not been accepting them to respond by also taking their mask off. "I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share your face with me." Mezo said after getting over the shock.

The two sat in silence just taking in each other's faces for a moment before Y/n broke the silence. "Now that we're both chill with having our masks off, can we order pizza and watch movies?" They asked with a slight laugh.

Mezo nodded, grabbing his phone and ordering pizza, while Y/n grabbed the remote. Both were relieved that they had someone they didn't feel the need to hide from. y/n was right today was a special occasion because it marked a massive step in their friendship.

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