Grave Arguments - Nacht Faust

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Word Count: 1673

Pairng: Nacht Faust x gn!reader

Warnings: Slight spoilers about Nacht and Morgen, mentions of death, blaming people for things out of their control, self depreciation, Nacht wishing he was the one who died, I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything

Based on the above request

A/n: Hi, thank you so much for the request. I love Nacht and writing for him makes me happy even if this is like the second time I've done it. I will say I couldn't think of a citation where Nacht snaps at the reader so I flipped a little bit. Anyways I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Restoration after the Eye of the Midnight Sun's last attack took quite a while. But eventually with all of the Magic Knight Squads working together, we were able to restore most of the Clover Kingdom. Once it was decided that the Squads could return to their regular routine, Yami allowed the Black Bulls to all take a couple of days off to relax. For me the mini vacation period was greatly welcomed and allowed me to complete a tradition that I had to miss due to the previously never ending battles.

Normally I would make this trip around the beginning of May, but taking the trip in the middle of June was better than never making the trip. I sighed as I approached the familiar graveyard. It hurt to think that at only 29 I would be visiting a friend at a graveyard. Approaching the grave I had sat in front of numerous times, I fought to repress the memories of the first time I stood in this spot. Instead I focused on the purpose of my visit.

I knelt down whipping off the layer of dust that had built on top of the headstone, smiling gently at the name carved into the granite. "Hey Morgen, I know I'm late but you won't believe what has happened the past year." I said as if I was having a normal conversation. It was a personal tradition to visit Morgan's grave and update him on all the happenings in my life. I always tried to visit close to his birthday but again things had been crazy lately.

It was probably about twenty minutes into my one sided conversation when I felt a familiar presence behind me. While most people would be alarmed to have a person suddenly appear behind them as if out of the shadows, I was used to it. Even after six years of no contact, Nacht's mana felt exactly the same. "Welcome back to Clover, Nacht just visiting or are you here to stay?" I asked, turning to glance at the hooded figure standing only a few feet behind me.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was monotone, not hinting at his feelings. It wasn't a surprise really, Nacht has always been cold. But what was a surprise was the slight glare he gave as he made eye contact with me.

Trying to ignore the glare, I turned back to Morgen's grave. "You know just updating Morgen on the eventfulness of the last year or so. Back to my question, are you finally back from your mysterious mission or are you just stopping by before disappearing again?" I asked, trying to hide the feelings that surged forward after remembering how he left six years ago.

"Why do you feel the need to update Morgen on anything? He's dead." Straight to the point just like always. Nacht has a knack for avoiding questions.

I sighed standing up. "He may be gone, but that does not mean he isn't looking out for us. Plus I needed someone to talk to after my boyfriend up and disappeared without explanation. So I figured I'd visit his twin and keep him updated on my life. At least I know where Morgen is at any given moment." I explained, failing to hide the venom behind my voice. "Now care to tell me why you're here Nacht? Cause I doubt it has anything to do with Morgen."

I was greeted by a moment of silence before hearing footsteps approach. "So you come speak to my dead brother because I was sent on a mission that I couldn't tell anyone about? Why not just move on with your life?"

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