Chapter 73: Another Mystery, Awaits

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"... wake up!"



"What is happening?" A woman spoke authoritatively asking the people around her.

"Your imperial majesty, the traveler, he is struggling!" A servant reported.

"He possess the power of the god Indra. Electricity is coming from inside of him!" Another servant added.

"Restrain him more. We cannot allow him to be with the others or our plan will be compromised." The woman's silhouette appeared after a beam of light passed through the chamber. She was sitting inside her throne, inside the chamber acting like her throne room. Lava flows from behind the her throne, flowing flawlessly, acting as the wall. In the middle of the chamber, a man was tied above a stone table, struggling from the chains. Though unconscious, his strength is evident in the irrational movements of his fainted body.

The woman stood up and came towards the man, watching him struggle. The servants stepped back in fear, avoiding any mistake in front of their unforgiving empress. She licked her lips and smirked, lavishing with scene exclusively hers. "You are so strong, Bulls..."

The queen lets out an evil, malicious grin, "... You will be mine, my king."


"What's wrong with me!" Bulls madly exclaimed, fighting the nauseous pain he was struggling with. "I'm not gonna give in!"

He stood back up and the nauseating feeling intensified.


Cressida who regained her consciousness, as if she dealt nothing.

"Bulls, come here. Allow me to take good care of you." She came towards him and pulled him towards the bed.

Bulls lost his ability to struggle and gave in. The nauseous pain caused him to lose his strength and will to struggle. He closed his eyes to relieve the feeling.

"You won't feeling anything like that if you just listened to me." She whispered.

Bulls opened his eyes and looked at Cressida who was already trying to climb over him.

"What did you just say?"


"Move... back." Bulls tried to push her. "No..."

"Allow me to take your pain away." Cressida sat above Bulls' almost immobilized body, reaching for his head. "This won't take much long. Let the pleasure fill you with joy."

"I said..." Bulls tightened his fists and opened his gleaming blue eyes. ""

Cressida was thrown away from the bed.

"You can't do this to me!" Cressida stood up and pointed her finger at his, madly exclaimed, "Your heart and soul is mine!"

"No..." Bulls stood out of the bed and glared at her with great intimidation. The aura of the room suddenly changed and everything began to shake. He began to walk towards her and with every step, the pressure intensified.

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