Heather Oakley Beltran an innocent Christian girl, the most purest and Holden Parker a quiet and serious boy who's completely lost and hurt by his past.
How can two such different souls learn to love one another?
Sometimes all God does is let two c...
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After last night Holden was being a little too lovely and incredibly sweet towards me. Not that he hadn't been this way before but today he was just being a little too... different. Not bad different but good different. It was funny, really. Earlier when he had was getting ready to leave for work, he didn't want want to leave me alone until I finally forced him to leave minutes later. No doubt he was acting this way because of the words I said yesterday. What other reason could it be?
After he left I took the time to do the mounts of homework that I surprisingly got to finish shortly after four. Minutes later, surprisingly enough, I managed to convince my mom and dad to agree to let me borrow one of their cars to see Holden. I knew the chances were very slim for them to agree but since they knew how much I've been practice driving with Holden I took my chances. By the glory of God they agreed! Only after an hour of giving them reasons too. My mom insisted on driving with me since I didn't have a license, only a permit in which my dad forced me to study for a couple days ago before I started practicing more. I eventually asked my mom to stay home since she was already busy reading her bible. I wasn't letting her dismiss reading just to ride with me. After countless nudging here and there, she finally gave up.
It was clear they only were letting me because Holden's work was only a few minutes away. It was particularly around the corner.
"Ok..." deep breaths. "We could do this." It was slightly more scary to drive without no one's presence in the passenger seat. The only presence here right now was the Holy Spirit's'. I should manage. That driving permit wasn't for nothing.
Smooth and steady...
That's how I proceeded to do it the whole twelve minute drive to Holden and his dad's shop. I hoped they didn't mind me dropping by.
When I got there I made sure to hide a little off their sight. I didn't want the attention to be drawn to me as they worked. Either way I doubted Holden would even suspect it could potentially be me. Only one thing was for sure that he did know my mom's car perfectly by memory considering he has worked on it and basically see's it everyday across his house.
I turned off the ignition, hopped off the car and walked around the car, looking to make sure I parked properly. "Nailed it. Who said I couldn't drive?" I whispered to myself. Will you look at that? I actually knew how to park with no one's guidance.
I made my way through the block and toward the familiar car shop. I looked down at the clothes I wore and smiled satisfied at my blue washed jeans and gray sweatshirt. At least today I didn't wear my pajamas and those silly slippers I wore the first time I was here.
When I reached the shop I was met with a pair of unfamiliar faces I didn't know. It was about three men crowded around a vehicle. One looked about Holden's age and the other two looked quite older. I was lost in my train of thought for a second, looking at all the men until Holden's dad came into view. Finally a familiar face, I thought. He didn't notice me at first until one the younger guys nodded over at me and his eyes finally landed on me. I lifted a hand in greeting. "Hi, Shaun. How are you? Sorry to interrupt." I looked over at the guys again and smiled at them.