The Cowardly Lion - Loke/Leo

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Word count: 1782

Paring: Loke x gn! Reader

Summary: Returning home from a job, Loke informs you that his time is short and you should just move on. But how can you just let your boyfriend die? Maybe a certain celestial wizard can help save him?

Warnings: Probably Ooc Loke, mentions of die, spoilers for about Loke if you just started fairy tail. Let me know if I missed anything

A/n: Welcome, So if you couldn't tell I recently got back into fairy tail and realized how much I like Loke, so I wrote this little angst to comfort fic about him. I hope you all enjoy, and remember that my requests are open. As always have a great day and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

After being away on a job for a week I was finally able to take a day to relax. All I wanted to do was relax with my boyfriend and enjoy a day off from working on rebuilding the guild hall. Only problem was when I arrived at the construction site for the Hall, the ginger mage was nowhere to be found. After looking around for a few minutes I approached Mira.

"Hey Mira, Have you seen Loke anywhere? I just got back and figured we could take a day to relax before getting back to helping with the rebuild." I asked, still looking around hoping to find him in the crowd of wizards. I took a quick glance at Mira when I heard her sigh. THe only emotion I could read on her face was worry. "Mirajane, what's with that look? Did something happen while I was gone?" I asked now, concerned for my boyfriend's safety.

She quickly shook her head before speaking. "Nothing happened that I know of. Loke's been acting strange the last couple of days." Mira explained, causing me to raise my eyebrow at her in confusion. "He's been distant with everyone, well everyone but Lucy." She said as she started to explain.

"Why has been hanging around Lucy? He hates celestial wizards." I cut her off. I am worried about him now. I've known his true identity for a while now, and so I wasn't worried about him cheating or anything. I was more worried that it was his way of getting closure before his time in the human realm was up. "You know what I'll just ask him myself, have you seen him? Please Mira, I'm worried about him now."

The transformation mage seemed to think for a moment. "Last I saw him, He was sitting out on the beach behind the Hall." She informed me. I gave her a quick thanks before running out to find the Lion spirit.

Just as I was told, there Loke was sitting not far from water just staring into the distance as waves crashed by his feet. "How are you feeling?" I asked, sitting next to him.

He didn't even look at me before he spoke. "I was hoping to avoid this conversation." He sounded weak, like the weight of spending three years away from the celestial world was finally taking its toll on his body.

"Well you can't. Were you going to just disappear without saying goodbye? I thought we were in this together." I asked, looking out at the water.

Loke just sighed as he stood up. "We aren't in this together. After tonight I'll be nothing but a memory and you'll be here with the guild living your life. There's nothing that can be done about it." To anyone else it might have sounded like he meant it, but to me I could hear his true emotions. He was just trying to push me away, so I wouldn't hurt as much when he's gone. "You should just move on Y/n. We both knew today was coming and it's time to face the music."

While I knew he was right about there being nothing either of us could do, I didn't want to accept it. "Obviously you don't really believe that. If you truly thought there was nothing that could be done, why have you been talking with Lucy? You have to have at least a small glimmer of hope if you of all people have been talking to a celestial wizard." I started calling him out. "Also how can you say I'll be here living my life with the guild once you're gone. Yeah I'll still be alive but I wouldn't call mourning the loss of my life partner living. How can I possibly just move on after I've spent the last three years of my life loving you?" I was fighting back tears at this point. At some point during my rant I stood up to look him in the face.

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