(Chapter 53)My Amazing Girlfriend

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Alix: I’m in

Rose: me too

Rose: this is so romantic!

Mylene: I agree!

Lila: I support you, Alya

Kim: I’m kind of curious

Kim: but I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do

Kim: they have a right to privacy

Nino: I dunno, dude

Nino: if Adrien says he wants to keep it to himself...

Adrien: it’s ok, Nino

Adrien: you don’t have to choose between me and your gf

Adrien: we’re good anyway

Alya: @Adrein sorry, Sunshine

Alya: but I plan to expose you as well

Adrien: @Alya no problem, Alya

Adrien: I’m used to stalkers

Adrien: it also confirms that I was right to keep it to myself

Chloe: I don’t participate in this absurd

Chloe: plus I already know who they’re all dating

Alya: @Chloe you weren’t invited!

Alya: wait what???

Alya: @Chloe do you know who Mari is dating?!

Chloe: they dine at my hotel restaurant more often than they don’t

Chloe: so guess what

Alya: @Marinette girl!!

Alya: her but not me?!

Alya: @Chloe do you know Fatom’s gf as well?!

Chloe: he comes with her to all the closed parties of high society for more than a year

Chloe: it’s hard to miss

Chloe: not that it wasn’t already obvious

Alya: that’s it

Alya: I declare war on the secrets!

Chloe: help yourself

Alya: so, Alix, Lila, Rose, Mylene and Kim are with me

Alya: Nino and Ivan too

Alya: cause Mylene and me are there

Alya: @Nathaniel @Max @Juleka, are you in?

Alya: @Sabrina I’m not inviting you – you obviously out

Alya: because Chloe parasitizes you

Alya: and you have no freedom of choice

Sabrina: Chloe doesn’t parasitize me, Alya

Sabrina: she is a great friend

Alya: as if

Sabrina: and you know nothing about our relationship

Sabrina: and I have freedom of choice

Sabrina: and I would choose her over you any day

Alya: @Sabrina and when did you learn to be so rude?

Sabrina: some people deserve it

Sabrina: and I had the best teacher

Alya: whatever

Alya: @Nathaniel @Max @Juleka so, guys?!

Max: I can be there only for statistics

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