(Chapter 45)Her Identity

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Marinettes POV

As I saw the police take them away I can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for Adrien. He now has no one but at least I can finally be free. Free from Hawkmoth.  Free from hiding my emotions. Free from this hell. I was brought back from my thoughts by one of the kwamis tapping my leg. I looked at my leg to see who it was. It was Nooroo and Duusuu. They were pointing at something. I looked up to see the past miraculous holders sprinting towards me. I guess they somehow knew about my situation. I was brought back from my thoughts once again when Adrien spoke. "How dare you use my mira-" I cut him off right there. How dare he try to claim the miraculous. I knew that he was slowly starting to turn into his father and started to abuse Plagg. "You no longer have a miraculous or did you forget.". I spoke with a coldness in my voice. I notice that they were trying to surround me. I quickly jumped up onto a pole where they cant get me. "Just give up you pathetic bitch" Luka said, never thought he would betray me. Then again I'm not really surprised since my own 'parents' did. I'm not going to lie though that did hurt but I push it down. "No, now if you excuse me I must leave". I jumped away and prayed that it will be the last time I saw them.

3rd POV

It's been a few weeks from the defeat of Hawkmoth. Marinette continued to stay at Master Fus place and continued her education online. With help from the kwamis she was able to eat here and there. She also started to slowly get powers at first she thought that it was because of the miraculous but when she asked Tikki and Plagg that said it was from her and not the miraculous. It was also impossible to have powers unless she was related to a kwami. So Marinette with help from the kwamis started to practice with her powers.

Plaggs POV

It was early in the morning when I felt a past Chat Noir nearby. At first I thought it was Adrien but then I felt a pure soul. You might be wondering "you felt a pure soul? What does that mean?" Well a reue miraculous holder has to have a pure soul in order to be in balance with the miraculous especially if they have the black cat or ladybug miraculous. When I had Adrien his soul was pure but had a large amount of destruction so it wasn't balanced. The only reason he was Chat Noir was because balance was needed. Anyway this Chat Noir was related to Adrien. After a few seconds I relished it was no other than Felix Graham de Vanily. I started to fly to the feeling when I stoped. I relished that kitten (Marinette) will worry about me. I then started to debate weather or not if I should tell her. She already has it bad enough with school, her newfound powers, and her nightmares. I decided to ask the others about this. Kitten was still asleep so this should be a lot easier. I quietly woke up the other kwamis and told them about the situation. "This is quiet the dilemma" Pollen said. "Maybe we should tell her" Nooroo suggested quietly. "But if we do she might get even more stressed" Mullo said worried. "But if we don't we might loose the opportunity for her to finally heal properly" Fluff said. "I agree with Fluff. Pup needs to have someone to talk to-" Barkk agrees but was cut off. "She has us" Xuppu exclaimed. "Yes but she needs human interaction" Roarr points out. Kitten starts to move and we all went quiet. She stops moving once she was in a more comfortable position. "In my opinion she does need someone to talk to but what if he hurts her" Duusuu said. "Duusuu has a point" Stompp agrees. "Well Tikki I know she is your owner and Plagg this is your past Chat Noir we are talking about so how do you feel about it" Wayzz asks. "Well she does need a human to talk to but if he is like Adrien then I don't want him anywhere near her" Sugarcube says protectively. "I agree with sugarcube but I feel that his soul is pure" I said. "Are you sure?" Trixx asks. "I would never put my kitten in danger" I dated boldly. "Then I guess we are going to have to tell her" Kaalki said. "Ok you guys go back to sleep when she wakes I'll tell her" I suggested. As the kwamis start to go to their respective spots around kitten I noticed sugarcube deep in thought. "Watcha thinking about sugarcube" I ask. "It's just that I'm worried about Marinette Plagg. She's like a daughter to me. I won't stand to see my babybug hurt" Tikki said worriedly. "I understand what you mean sugarcube. Kitten is like a daughter to me too but we have to try and try til we succeed" I said trying to make sugarcube feel better. "I know" she said sadly. "Don't worry tikki everything will be just fine" I said trying to encourage her. Tikki gave me a weak smile and went to lay by Marinette. I sat there and waited til she woke up.

Marinettes POV

I woke up to see Plagg sitting there like he was waiting for something. "Dad, what's wrong" I asked. "Well kitten- wait what?" He started but then stopped as i relished what I said. I looked at home and he looked surprised. Crap he noticed. You must be wondering "dad!?" Well the kwamis are like family to me. Lately I've been seeing Tikki and Plagg as a mother and Father figure and the rest as aunts and uncles. "Uhh I ummm" damn I cant stop stuttering. "Do you see me as a father kitten" Plagg asks softly. I knew that there was no hiding it so I just had to admit to it. "Yes" I muttered.

Tikkis POV

I woke up and noticed that my babybug and stinky sock was talking. I flew up to them but they didn't notice me. What I heard next brought tears to my eyes. "Do you see me as a father" Plagg asks softly. "Yes" Marinette muttered. Plagg then asks. Do you see Tikki as a mother?" And again Marinette said yes. I never knew that she felt that way and I'm glad she does. "Well I wanna let you know that we both see you as our daughter kitten" Plagg continues. Marinettes face lights up. "What really" Marinette asks. I then decided to speak up. "Of course we do babybug".  I might have scared them because they both jumped six feet in the air. Oops.

Marinettes POV

"Of course we do babybug" when I heard Tikkis voice I jumped six feet in the air. How much did she hear and when did she wake up. "Good morning Tikki! Uhhh. How much did you hear" I asked my heart is still beating out of my chest. "From when Plagg asked if you saw him as a father" she answered. "You can't do that sugarcube you scared me" Plagg said as he hold is paw to his chest. "Sorry stinky sock" Tikki apologized. Their nicknames for each other is sooo cute. "Awwwwwe" what the both say. May I add is soo cute. "Plikki is the best!" I answered they looked at me confused. "Plikki?" Tikki asks. "Yes it's my ship name for you and dad" I answered. I then freeze and ask sheepishly "I can call you mom and dad right?". Tikki then said " of course you can". I was ecstatic to hear that. "Yay! Thank you guys so much" I said as I jumped up and down. "No problem kitten. Anyway there's something serious that we need to talk about" Plagg said. I then freeze. "Oh ok what is it" I said giving him my full attention.

3rd POV

Plagg then explained the situation to Marinette. She was a little hesitant at first but with enough convincing she decided to go. They decided that later that day Marinette will go as Multimouse and talk to Felix.

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