The Lion and The Tiger - Loke/Leo

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Word Count: 2328

Paring: Loke/Leo x Celestial Spirit! Reader

Warnings: Canon typical violence, mentions of feelings of abandonment, possible ooc Loke

Based on the above request from my tumblr

A/n: Hello, I'm thankful for the request. I recently started a rewatch of Fairy Tail in preparation for the new series and realized how much I like Loke, so thank you for feeding my need for him. Anyway I decided to make the Reader the Tiger Zodiac from the Chinese Zodiac because I thought it's be fun to put the two big cats together. Also because they likely wouldn't call it the chinese zodiac I called the Eastern Zodiac because the more asian inspired parts of Fairy Tail were referred to as being from the Eastern Continent, just so it makes sense. Well without further ado, I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

The Jade Zodiac Keys are much harder to come by as not many wizards know of their existence so for one of us to get contracted we have to do the leg work. I personally grew impatient and decided to go find my key and then find a wizard I trusted with it. So, I left in search of my key and wizard.

It was long after I left, when I heard that one of the Golden zodiac spirits was banished from our home. Being the curious spirit I am, I went in search of the banished spirit. Eventually I stumbled upon a guild hall in the small town of Magnolia. Entering the Fairy Tail guild hall, I was immediately drawn to a ginger wizard surrounded by women. If it wasn't for the familiar energy radiating from him I would have thought he was just another wizard, but being a spirit myself I was easily able to tell what he really was.

I quickly approached the table, catching the attention of the group. "Excuse me but could I speak with you for a moment?" I asked, picking up on the fact that he was likely hiding his true nature from those around him.

The ginger froze, likely figuring out what I was the same way I picked him out of the crowd. "Sure, who am I to deny a lovely creature like you, my attention." His voice came off as flirtatious but there was an underlying hint of worry. He waved off the women, ignoring their whines, before standing up. "But, uh, not around here. Follow me." With that he motioned for me to follow him out of the hall.

After walking for a few minutes in tense silence we reached a small clearing just outside of town. "So, did the Celestial Spirit King send you to kill me?" He said, turning to look at me over the edge of his glasses. "He finally decided that it would be easier than having a rogue spirit running about." He was stating it like it was fact.

"No actually, I heard that one of the twelve golden zodiacs got banished and wanted to see if it was true." I started earning a confused look. "So, what did the great and powerful Leo do to get exiled from his home among the stars?" I asked, while leaning against a tree.

I didn't miss the slight glare he sent at my mockery of his title. "What's it to you? Do you think I would really believe you came all the way from the celestial world to ask why I got banished?" He now sounded defensive. "Also it's Loke now, I left the name Leo behind."

"First,I didn't leave the Celestial world just for you. If I just wanted to know what happened I'd have asked around there. Second, The jade keys that are bound to the Eastern Zodiacs are nearly impossible to find. So, I set out to find my key. Once I do that I'm gonna find a wizard I can trust to make a contract with." I explained to the confused spirit.

He still looked confused but spoke up. "So, what exactly is the point of taking the time to find me? Just go find your key and leave me to enjoy what time I have left." Loke said. "Why waste your time and energy to come talk to me, if it's so difficult to find your stupid key."

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