Chapter One

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The teenagers are currently out late at a park. Johnnie laughs as he watches his best friend hanging off the monkey bars. "Dude, be careful."

Jake, being a reckless teenager, was hanging off the monkey bars at the park. "I am, I am." He laughs.

Johnnie knew this was gonna be hard to tell the frap styled boy, but he knows he has too. He watches Jake do a backflip and land in the bark chips.

Jake lands in the bark chips with a thud. He laughs at himself, but his laugh is cut short when he feels the pain from the impact. He looks up at Johnnie, who is clearly not amused.

"See? You're stupid," Johnnie giggles, adjusting the furr hat on his head, smiling a little bit and his smile faded soon after.

Jake, still a bit dazed from the fall, notices how adorable Johnnie looks in his fur hat. He smiles at him, hoping to see a smile in return.

Johnnie returned the smile, but it faded rather quickly. Jake sits next to him, pulling his rainbow tye-dyed hood over his head.

Jake sits down next to Johnnie and pulls his hood over his head. He glances over at Johnnie, who is now looking down at the ground. Jake wonders what's on his mind.

"Um," Johnnie clears his throat. "You know my dad, passed away..." He brought up.

Jake's smile fades as he hears Johnnie mention his dad. He nods slowly and says, "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, man."

Johnnie takes a deep breath. "I'm moving out of my mom's house and, uh... moving in with someone."

Jake is surprised to hear this news. "Moving in with someone? Who?" He asks curiously.

"Some guy I met on Warp Tour with. He's pretty cool, and I really want to do this YouTube thing and my music, and he offered to let me move in with him." Johnnie smiled, excitedly. "His name is Bryan." he says, naïve what the future is gonna hold for him.

Jake is still a bit shocked by this news, but he can't help but smile at Johnnie's excitement. "Wow, that's great! I'm happy for you. So, this Bryan guy is a musician too?"

"No, not really. he's more of an interviewer guy." Johnnie replied, snickering a bit. "But.. that means I won't be able to see you anymore. Aren't you moving back to Kansas with your family? Since your grandma here wants to send you back?"

Jake nods, his smile fading. "Yeah, I'm moving back to Kansas with my family. But I'll miss you, man. You're one of my best friends."

"You're one of my best friends too, Jake. I'll miss you." Johnnie stands up and hugs his best friend.

Jake hugs Johnnie tightly, feeling a sense of sadness wash over him. He's not ready to say goodbye to his friend.

Johnnie pulls back from the hug. He opened his phone, "Shit. my mom's texting me where I am," he laughs. "I should be getting home. Can you drive me back?"

Jake laughs as well. "Yeah, of course I can drive you home. I don't want your mom to be mad at me. Let's go."

"Yeah, don't wanna make my mama mad. Especially since she's worried about my well being, I did after all just come back from a mental hospital." Johnnie frowns a bit as he follows Jake to the parking lot to his car.

Jake notices the frown on Johnnie's face and feels a bit concerned. "You went to a mental hospital?" he asks, sounding worried.

"I didn't tell you?" Johnnie asks, lifting his head up. Before scratching his acne cheek.

"No, you didn't," Jake replies, getting into the driver's seat. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, starting the car.

Johnnie gets into the passenger. Shutting the door. "I.." He sighed heavily. "I don't know. You know I've been struggling pretty bad mentally since my dad died, but.. I guess I was just to caught up in my head. Yeah, I left the hospital um, about uh,–" He was having a hard time talking about it.

Jake glances over at Johnnie as he starts driving. He can see the pain and struggle in his friend's eyes. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he says softly. "I'm just glad you're okay now."

"No, I want too." Johnnie replied, nodding his head a bit. "I attempted suicide. And I was placed into 5150 by my family, um." He clears his throat, feeling the tension in the car.

Jake's eyes widen as he hears Johnnie's words. He feels a mix of emotions, including sadness, anger, and relief. "Oh my god, Johnnie. I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me?" he asks, his voice breaking slightly.

"I was too in my head, I wasn't thinking about anything else except death." Johnnie takes off his hat, setting it in his lap as he shakes his head. "I got out of the hospital about four days ago."

Jake is speechless. He can't believe that his best friend was in so much pain and he had no idea. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and turns to look at Johnnie. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone. I wish I could have been there for you."

"It's okay, that's why my mom is allowing me to move in with Bryan, to lift my spirits." Johnnie smiled at the thought.

Jake smiles back at Johnnie, feeling relieved that he's found someone to help him through this difficult time. "That's great. I'm glad you're getting the support you need. And I promise I'll be here for you too. If you ever need anything, you can always count on me."

"Yeah, except you'll be in Kansas." Johnnie bluntly replied, before chuckling.

Jake chuckles as well, realizing the truth in Johnnie's words. "Yeah, I guess you're right.."

"Drive me home, mom's gonna kill me." Johnnie laughs. Jake laughs as well, putting the car back in drive and heading towards Johnnie's house. "Don't worry, I'll get you home safely. And who knows, maybe I'll even help you explain everything to your mom."

"Well my mom knows about the whole ideal of me moving out and such, and she's happy for me. She thinks it's a little off, Since he is older. But, she said it's okay." Johnnie shrugs.

"Well, that's good. At least she's supportive of you moving out. And as long as you're happy and safe, that's all that matters." Jake pulls up to Johnnie's house and parks the car. "Here we are."

They exit the car. Johnnie opens the house door and is immediately greeted by his mother into a warm embrace.

Jake watches as Johnnie's mom hugs him tightly, clearly relieved to see him safe. He smiles at the sight, happy that Johnnie has such a loving and supportive family.

"Where were you?" Mama Guilbert asks, looking at the two teenage boys.

"Sorry, mom. I went out with Jake," Johnnie explains, gesturing towards Jake. "We went to a park and talked and stuff."

Mama Guilbert smiles at Jake, seemingly relieved that he was there for Johnnie. "That's okay, sweetie. I'm just glad you're safe. But next time, make sure to let me know where you're going, okay?"

"Okay." Johnnie chuckled softly as he walked over to Jake. Hugging onto him. "I'll miss you."

Jake smiles and hugs Johnnie back tightly. "I'll miss you too, man. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Okay." Johnnie nods, watching Jake walk out of the door and leave.

His last time seeing Jake Webber for years.

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