Chapter Ten

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Alex is shocked by Johnnie's final words. She can't believe that he's actually breaking up with her.

She feels like her world is crumbling around her, and she doesn't know what to do.

She wants to beg him to stay, but she knows that it won't change his mind. She just stands there, staring at him with tears streaming down her face.

"Take Lola, I don't give a fuck." Johnnie suddenly says as he grabs a bag. Opening his drawer and packing his clothes, cameras, laptop, etc.

Alex is stunned by Johnnie's words. She can't believe that he's leaving Lola, the pug they adopted together.

She knows that it's his way of getting back at her, but it still hurts. She watches as he packs his things, feeling a sense of finality in the air. She knows that this is it, that their relationship is really over.

Johnnie sniffles as he packs his things. He hasn't talked to her, or said anything really. He felt numb, depressed, suicidal, a mess.

Alex realizes that she's relieved that the relationship is over. She thought that she loved Johnnie, but now she's not so sure.

She feels like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, and she can finally move on with her life.

She's grateful that Johnnie is leaving, and she knows that it's for the best.

Johnnie takes a glance at her one more time before he leaves the bedroom. He walks down the stairs and grabs his boots, slipping them on over his feet.

Alex watches as Johnnie leaves the bedroom and walks down the stairs. She follows him to the front door, feeling a mix of emotions.

She's sad to see him go, but also relieved that the drama is over.

She wants to say something to him, but she's not sure what. She just stands there, watching as he slips on his boots and heads out the door.

Johnnie opened the front door, and kissed her lips softly. "I love you." he says in a heartbroken voice before he turned around and slammed the door.

Alex is stunned by Johnnie's sudden gesture. She didn't expect him to kiss her and tell her that he loves her, especially after everything that happened.

She stands there for a moment, trying to process his words. She's not sure what to feel, but she knows that it's not over yet. She has to decide whether to chase after him or let him go.

But she decided to let him go, it was best after all.

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