Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jake chuckles and grabs Johnnie's wrist, pulling him closer to him. "Make me." He says, a playful glint in his eyes.

Johnnie huffed as he got pulled close. He squints his emo makeup covered eyes at the taller, before sticking his tongue out and shoving Jake.

Jake lets out a surprised laugh as Johnnie shoves him, but he quickly recovers and pulls him into a tight hug.

"You're not getting away that easily." He says, his arms wrapped tightly around Johnnie's waist.

"Ah! Help, help!" Johnnie jokingly yells, laughing as his head slumps onto Jake's chest.

Jake laughs and holds Johnnie tighter, burying his face in his hair. "I don't think anyone can hear you, Johnnie. You're stuck with me." He says, his voice muffled by Johnnie's hair.

Johnnie looks up, feeling Jake's face in his hair. His emo hair is a big poofy teased mess.

Jake notices that Johnnie's hair is a mess and runs his fingers through it, trying to untangle the knots. "Your hair is a mess, Johnnie. When was the last time you brushed it?" He asks, his voice soft and playful.

"I tease it so it stays volumed." Johnnie giggles, "And there's hairspray in it."

Jake chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think that's helping your case, Johnnie. Your hair is still a mess." He says, continuing to play with it. "But I guess I can't blame you. It's pretty cute when it's all messed up like this."

"Well I don't have that flat shit anymore." Johnnie laughs. "Remember when – when you had your – your damn hair cut like fucking Justin Bieber from 2010?" He bursts into laughter.

Jake groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh god, don't remind me of that. That was a dark time in my life. I thought I was so cool with my Justin Bieber haircut." He says, chuckling. "At least I had the confidence to pull it off..."

"No, you were just trying to fit in with the jackasses that went to our high school." Johnnie replied, "Now look at you. Handsome." He blushed when he realized what he said.

Jake feels his cheeks heat up when Johnnie calls him handsome. He's never been good at taking compliments, but he can't help but smile at Johnnie's words.

"Thanks, Johnnie. I think you're pretty handsome too." He says, running his fingers through Johnnie's hair again.

Johnnie blushes as he feels Jake's fingers through his hair. "Can I move in with you?" He suddenly asked, it really did feel like nothing changed.

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