Chapter Sixteen

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Jake pulls into a parking spot and turns off the car. He chuckles at Johnnie's choice of topping, finding it amusing that he still has a simple taste in food.

"Of course you are. I should have known better than to ask you what your favorite pizza topping is." He gets out of the car and stretches, feeling a bit stiff from the long drive. "Shall we go in?"

"fuck ya," Johnnie says as he gets out of the car, closing the door. The two walk together and enter inside.

Jake follows Johnnie inside, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the pizza place. The smell of freshly baked dough and melted cheese fills the air, making his mouth water.

He looks around for a table, hoping that there's one available. "I'm starving. I could eat a whole pizza myself right now." He chuckles, feeling a bit hungry after the long drive.

"Of course, you fucking eat food like a damn vacuum cleaner." Johnnie laughs as they spot a table and sit down.

Jake laughs along with Johnnie, knowing that he has a habit of eating large portions of food.

He's always been a big eater, but he tries to be mindful of his portions these days.  "Yeah, I guess I do. But I've been trying to eat healthier lately."  He chuckles again.

"You work out?" Johnnie asked as a waitress came by to ask what they would like.

Jake nods, smiling at the waitress as she approaches the table. "Yeah, I try to go to the gym a few times a week. I do some weightlifting, pull ups, and cardio to keep in shape, you know that shit."

He pauses for a moment, considering his options. "I'll have a large pizza with pepperoni, please." He glances over at Johnnie, wondering what he's going to order.

Johnnie hums, "Uh–uhm.." He stammers a bit, before pushing his anxiety down and ordering some bread sticks.

Jake notices that Johnnie seems a bit nervous when he orders. He wonders if something is bothering him, but he doesn't want to pry.

Instead, he waits patiently for the waitress to leave before speaking again. "Bread sticks, huh? Those sound good. I might have to steal a few from you." He grins at Johnnie, trying to lighten the mood.

"Were sharing it, dumb fuck." Johnnie laughs. Watching Jake order a root beer for himself and Johnnie a Dr Pepper.

Jake laughs along with Johnnie, feeling gleeful. "Oh right."

He smiles at Johnnie, grateful for his company. "I'm glad you're here, you know. It's been a while since we've hung out like this."

"Yeah, fucking almost a decade." Johnnie replied, "I'm twenty six." He cringed when he said his age. "You're what.. twenty three..? Twenty five..?"

"I'm twenty five." Jake replied, "God were old as fuck." 

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