Chapter Five

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A few weeks went by, and it was time for Bryan to film the goodbye video with Johnnie and Alex.

Bryan felt a mix of emotions as he walked onto the set to film the goodbye video. He was still angry at Johnnie and Alex.

But he also felt a sense of sadness knowing that their group was over. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the interview that would follow the video.

Everyone else in the house already moved out. Johnnie is seated on the couch, avoiding looking at the camera. Alex is seated on the other side, biting her nails as Bryan is explaining that MDE is over.

Alex and Johnnie added small bits of commentary but that was it. Then the video ended and Bryan posted it to YouTube.

Bryan posted the video to YouTube and waited for the comments to start pouring in. He knew that there would be a lot of people upset about the news, but he didn't care.

Johnnie looks at the computer screen for a moment before looking away, grabbing his packed bags. "Got everything baby?" He says to Alex.

Alex looks up at Johnnie and nods. She was relieved that they were finally leaving this place behind and starting a new chapter in their lives. She stands up and takes Johnnie's hand, leading him out of the room and out of the house.

Alex and Johnnie recently got a house together and a pet pug named Lola. They happily filmed cheesy couple videos and such so that Johnnie's channel and hers doesn't die out.

Johnnie and Alex were happy to be living together and making videos that they were passionate about. They had both moved on from their time in MDE and were focused on creating content that they were proud of.

They had a loyal fanbase that supported them and loved their cheesy couple videos. It was a far cry from the drama and stress of their old life, and they were grateful for the opportunity to start fresh.

Currently Johnnie is seated on his bed, editing a new video that was gonna be posted for his channel. Lola the pug is curled up and asleep.

Lola's soft snores filled the room as Johnnie worked on his video. He was almost done editing, but he kept getting distracted by the cute little pug. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her sleep peacefully.

But Johnnie suddenly thought about a certain someone.. he clicked out of his editing software and opened up YouTube. Curious, he started to type in "Jake Webber." in the search bar.

Johnnie felt a twinge of guilt as he typed in Jake's name. He had been trying to move on with his life, but he couldn't help but wonder how Jake was doing. He hit enter and waited for the results to load.

"Oh he makes YouTube." Johnnie says, clicking on his account. "His style changed," he laughs a bit. "More edgy, less frappy." He clicks subscribe.

"He looks so different.. wait, he's friends with Colby?" Johnnie asked out loud, feeling Lola's head onto his lap, the pet sleeping.

Johnnie was surprised to see that Jake  He also noticed that Jake's videos were getting a lot of views and subscribers, which made him happy for him.

"I miss you," Johnnie mumbled as he looked at the profile picture on Jake's account. He hasn't seen a picture or even heard from his teenage best friend in years. Five or so to be exact.

Johnnie's heart sank as he looked at Jake's profile picture. But things had changed so much since then. He missed the times they had spent together and the memories they had made.

He wished that he could reach out to Jake and tell him how much he missed him, but he didn't know if Jake would even want to hear from him.

Johnnie suddenly exits the tab and shuts his laptop, seeing his girlfriend walk into the room.

Alex walks into the room and sees Johnnie sitting on the bed with Lola. She smiles at him and sits down next to him. "Hey, babe. What are you doing?"

"Just editing." Johnnie didn't return the smile, he has been struggling with his depression very badly since the whole MDE thing.

Alex noticed that Johnnie wasn't his usual cheerful self. She had been worried about him lately, but she didn't want to pry.

She decided to change the subject and try to distract him from his thoughts. "Hey, did you see that Lola fell asleep on your lap?"

"Yeah." Johnnie pets the pug, as he does, he realizes their relationship has started to fall apart, he doesn't mean to be distant and emotionally abusive towards his girlfriend, but his mental health has been so bad, and he hates himself for hurting her.

Alex could tell that something was bothering Johnnie. She had noticed that he had been distant and moody lately, but she didn't know what to do about it. She wanted to help him, but she didn't know how.

She watched as he pet Lola and felt a pang of sadness in her heart. She knew that she couldn't let him keep hurting himself like this.

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