Chapter Twenty

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Jake can tell that Johnnie is having a hard time talking about his past relationship, and he's not sure if he should press him for more information or let it go.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I understand if it's a sensitive subject." He reaches over and gives Johnnie's hand a comforting squeeze. "But if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you. I'll listen."

"No, I do, I do." Johnnie replied, squeezing Jake's hand back. "Alex and I dated for about five years or so...but I just, I was in such a bad place that I fuckin' was a mess– a – fuck.. well, – I was a bit emotionally abusive to her and this resorted into her cheating on me and we ended the five year relationship."

Jake's heart sinks as Johnnie opens up to him about his past relationship. He feels terrible for Johnnie, and he wishes he could have been there to support him during that difficult time.

"I'm so sorry, Johnnie. That must have been really hard for you. No one deserves to be treated that way, especially by someone they love." He squeezes Johnnie's hand tighter, hoping to provide some comfort. "But you're not like that anymore, right? You've changed."

Johnnie nods, reassuring Jake. "Yeah, I learned my lesson not to be a dick, it was bad..I hope she's okay now." He nods his head, blinking his eyes a bit that had tears in them.

Jake can see the tears in Johnnie's eyes, and he feels a wave of empathy wash over him.

He wraps his arms around Johnnie and pulls him into a tight hug, hoping to provide some comfort.

"I'm sure she's okay. And I'm proud of you for learning from your mistakes and becoming a better person. You're a good guy, Johnnie." He rubs Johnnie's back gently, hoping to soothe him.

Johnnie returned the hug, before he pulled back. Sniffling a bit, he rubs his pierced nose.

Jake watches as Johnnie rubs his nose, and he notices that he's still struggling to compose himself.

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to hold it in." He says softly, giving Johnnie's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Let it out if you need to. I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Jake." Johnnie nods. "And.. about Bryan." He clears his throat.

"Worst mistake of my life."

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