Chapter Fithteen

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Jake is caught off guard by the sudden hug, but he quickly wraps his arms around Johnnie and hugs him back.

He laughs as he feels Johnnie's arms wrap around him, feeling a sense of warmth and familiarity that he hasn't felt in years.

"You've changed," Johnnie laughs looking at Jake's alternative appearance. Jake chuckles as Johnnie points out his alternative appearance. He nods and shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess I have. I've been experimenting with different styles lately, trying to find what works for me." He pauses for a moment, looking over at Johnnie with a curious expression. "What about you? You still look the same, but you've got some tattoos. I like them."

"Yeah, I mean.. I kinda changed." Johnnie laughs a bit. "I got tattoos, um, my lip done, my eyebrow, my nose, pierced. Last time you saw me i was scrawny and covered in acne, trying to be Christopher Drew from nevershoutnever."

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's confession, remembering how much he used to idolize Christopher Drew from Nevershoutnever.

"Oh yeah, I remember that. You used to be obsessed with him, didn't you? I always thought it was cute." Jake replied.

He pauses for a moment, thinking about how much Johnnie has changed since they were teenagers. "But I have to say, you look really good."

Johnnie's eyes soften when he hears Jake say this. "Start the car dumbass!" he laughs.

Jake grins and rolls his eyes, amused by Johnnie's sudden burst of enthusiasm. He puts the car in drive and pulls away from the curb, heading towards their destination.

"Alright, alright. No need to get all bossy. I'm just trying to pay you a compliment." He chuckles as he drives, enjoying the banter between him and Johnnie.

Johnnie stuck his tongue out, laughing. He felt so happy, he missed Jake so much. But he knows he's gonna have to talk with him about ... Bryan.

As Jake drives, he notices that Johnnie seems a little distracted. He wonders if there's something on his mind, but he doesn't want to pry.

Instead, he decides to change the subject. "So, where are we going today? I'm assuming you have some plans for us?" He glances over at Johnnie, hoping to get a hint about what they'll be doing.

"No! bitch, I don't leave my house." Johnnie sassily replied, laughing. "What do you wanna do?"

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's sassy response. He knows that Johnnie can be a bit of a homebody, so he's not surprised that he doesn't have any plans for the day.

He thinks for a moment, trying to come up with something they can do together."How about we go to the park and hang out? We could get some coffee or grab some food and just catch up." He smiles at Johnnie, hoping that he'll agree to the idea.

"What are we? Seventeen again?" Johnnie laughs. "Nah, but food does sound good right now. I haven't eaten. Coffee is gross."

Jake laughs along with Johnnie, amused by his reaction to the suggestion of going to the park.

He's not surprised that Johnnie doesn't like coffee, as he's always been more of a tea person. "Food it is, then. What are you in the mood for? Burgers, pizza, sushi?" He starts listing off different food options, waiting for Johnnie to choose.

"Sushi?!" Johnnie grimaced at that. "No." A smile grows on his face. "Pizza sounds fucking good."

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's enthusiasm for pizza. "Pizza it is, then. There's a great pizza place nearby that I've been meaning to try out. It's got a bunch of different toppings and a lot of vegetarian options, so there should be something for both of us."

He makes a turn, heading towards the pizza place. As he drives, he glances over at Johnnie and smiles. "You know, it's really good to see you again. I've missed you."

"I mean, I'm not vegetarian. I'm a picky bitch." Johnnie laughs. "I still eat like I'm a fucking elementary schooler."

Jake laughs at Johnnie's confession, knowing that he has always been a picky eater.

He remembers how Johnnie used to refuse to eat anything that wasn't chicken nuggets or mac and cheese.

"Yeah, I remember that. I guess some things never change." He smiles fondly at the memory, feeling nostalgic.  "So, what's your favorite pizza topping? Or are you going to be too picky for that too?"

"I'm a classic bitch, I'm getting pepperoni." Johnnie laughs as they pull up to the pizza place.

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