Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(cw: heavy kisses!)

Jake can't help but smile at the way Johnnie is looking at him, and he gently cups his face in his hands. "Can you close your eyes for me?"

He asks, wanting to make this moment special for both of them.

Johnnie started to smile, as he felt Jake hold his face. He closes his eyes, his heart pounding hard against his ribcage.

Jake leans in closer, his lips just a few inches away from Johnnie's. He takes a deep breath and then finally closes the distance between them, pressing his lips against Johnnie's in a soft, gentle kiss.

It was such a new feeling, a strong sensation of attachment and love rushed through the two of them.

Johnnie returns the soft kiss, he hasn't ever kissed a man before, but he likes it. Especially since it's Jake.

Jake feels a rush of emotions as he kisses Johnnie, feeling a sense of relief and happiness that he's finally able to express his feelings for him.

He pulls Johnnie closer, deepening the kiss and wrapping his arms around him. He feels so lucky to have found someone like Johnnie, someone who understands him and accepts him for who he is.

Johnnie moans softly in the kiss, his hands playing with the back of Jake's brunet shaggy 70s mullet. His lips slowly and passionately moved in sync with the punk.

Jake's heart flutters at the sound of Johnnie's moan, and he can't help but feel a rush of desire and excitement. He pulls Johnnie closer, his hands wandering up and down his body as he deepens the kiss even further. His tongue gently probes at Johnnie's lips, seeking permission to enter.

Johnnie shyly parted his lips, as he felt Jake's tongue enter his mouth. They passionately made-out together on the couch.

They didn't expect to be making out on the couch on a Thursday night but here they are.

Jake feels like he's in heaven as he kisses Johnnie passionately. He can't believe that he's finally kissing the boy of his dreams, and he doesn't want it to end.

He runs his fingers through Johnnie's hair, pulling him closer and wrapping his arms around him. He feels so comfortable and safe with Johnnie, and he never wants to let him go.

Johnnie pulls back from the kiss, panting heavily yet soft. His pale complexion is bright pink. "Am I the guy you like..?" he awkwardly and cutely asked.

Jake chuckles softly at Johnnie's question, his face also flushed with color. "Yeah, you are. You're the one I like."

He says, smiling at Johnnie and caressing his cheek. "I've been crushing on you for a while now, but I was too afraid to tell you how I felt."

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