Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jake can't help but notice Johnnie's gaze and feels his heart race. He looks back at him, his own eyes locking with Johnnie's.

"You're bisexual too?" Johnnie asks, looking away as he felt a bit nervous from the intense eye contact.

Jake smiled lovingly. "Yeah, I'm bisexual as well. A certain boy caught my eye..." he trailed off, silently admiring Johnnie's beauty.

Johnnie's heart skips a beat when Jake says he's bisexual. He looks up at him, his eyes widening with surprise and joy.

"Really? You're bisexual too?" *He asks, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He always felt like he was the only one who struggled with his sexuality. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"You won't tell me, so I won't tell you." Jake teased, chuckling.

Johnnie rolls his eyes when he hears Jake say this, a genuine smile resting on his face. His lip piercing poking up a bit.

Jake notices Johnnie's lip piercing and can't help but find it incredibly attractive.

He leans in closer, brushing his fingers against Johnnie's cheek and running his thumb over his lip piercing. "Can I ask you something else?" He whispers, his voice husky and low.

Johnnie was suddenly frozen. A rush of heat went to his face. He stared up at Jake, heart pounding hard against his chest.

Jake notices Johnnie's reaction and smiles at him, his eyes full of affection. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, his voice is soft and gentle.

He wants to make sure that Johnnie is comfortable with the idea of them kissing, and he's willing to wait as long as it takes.

"Ki–kiss?" Johnnie was speechless. His heart felt like it was gonna explode with joy.

Jake chuckles softly at Johnnie's response, finding it adorable. "Yes, a kiss. Is that okay with you?" He asks, waiting patiently for Johnnie to answer.

He wants to make sure that he's not pushing him into anything that he doesn't want to do.

Johnnie felt all shy. He nods his head as his eyes softly look at Jake with love.

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