Chapter Six

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(tw: self-harm)

A few weeks go by, and the couple is arguing in the kitchen. Johnnie has a bottle of jack in front of him, while his girlfriend is shouting at him.

Alex was fed up with Johnnie's behavior. She had tried to be patient and understanding, but he just kept pushing her away.

She was tired of feeling like she was the only one trying to make their relationship work.

She stood across the kitchen from him, yelling at him to stop drinking and to start taking his mental health seriously.

"My God, Stop it!" Johnnie shouts as he hits his head, shaking his head before hitting down at the table next to the bottle.

Alex flinches as Johnnie hits the table. She can't believe that he's getting violent now.

She takes a step back, scared that he might hurt her. "Johnnie, please. We need to talk about this. We can't keep going like this."

Johnnie lifts his head, "what do you mean?!" he shouts at her. Alex tries to stay calm, but it's hard when Johnnie is yelling at her like this.

She takes a deep breath and speaks softly.  "I mean, I can't keep watching you destroy yourself like this. I love you, but I can't stand by and watch you drink yourself into oblivion. We need to find a way to help you get better."

"I'm fine, fuck!" Johnnie gets up and hits himself again, heading up the stairs. Alex is shocked by Johnnie's outburst. She watches as he storms up the stairs and slams the bedroom door shut.

She doesn't know what to do. She knows that she can't force him to get help, but she can't just sit back and watch him destroy himself either.

She decides to give him some space and wait for him to calm down before trying to talk to him again.

Johnnie is in his room, having a mental breakdown. His depression is getting more and more unbearable each day.

He is punching at himself before he walks over and digs through his drawer, grabbing out the unfortunate razor blade.

Alex hears Johnnie's muffled sobs coming from the bedroom. She knows that he's hurting, but she's also worried about what he might do to himself.

She can't stand the thought of him being in pain and decides to check on him. She quietly walks up the stairs and knocks on the door. "Johnnie, are you okay?"

"Leave me alone!" Johnnie shouts at the door, hitting his head on the back of the wall. Tears rolling down his face, his emo makeup a mess as he begins to self-harm with the small blade in his fingertips.

Alex hears the sound of Johnnie hitting the wall and her heart sinks. She knows that she needs to get him help, but she's afraid that if she leaves him alone, he might hurt himself even more. She tries to open the door, but it's locked. "Johnnie, please. Let me in. I'm worried about you."

"Alex, i swear to God, leave me the fuck alone!" Johnnie shouts back at her, his heart breaking. He knew his relationship with her was falling apart.

Alex is taken aback by Johnnie's harsh tone. She can't believe that he's pushing her away like this. She wants to help him, but he won't let her in. She tries to stay calm and reason with him.

"Johnnie, I know that you're going through a lot right now, but I'm not going to leave you like this. I care about you and I want to help you get better. Please, let me in." She says.


Johnnie screams at the top of his lungs, panting after his outburst, he felt a weight of guilt smack down on him. He hates this, he hates himself, he hates treating her like this, he just wanted the pain to go away.

Alex is shocked by Johnnie's screams. She feels her heart break as she realizes how much he's hurting. She knows that she needs to give him some space, but she can't leave him alone like this. She decides to sit down outside the door and wait for him to calm down.

Johnnie doesn't say anything else, he just continues to harm himself. Watching the blood seep down his forearm and on the tattoos he has.

Alex sits outside the door for what feels like an eternity. She can hear Johnnie crying and muttering to himself. She wants to break down the door and rush to his side, but she knows that it wouldn't be helpful.

She has to be patient and wait for him to come to her. After a while, she hears the sound of the lock clicking and the door slowly opens.

Johnnie has his sleeve down as he hugs his girlfriend. "I'm sorry." he apologized, kissing her dark colored hair.

Alex wraps her arms around Johnnie and holds him close. She's relieved that he's okay and that he's willing to talk to her. She gently strokes his hair and whispers to him.

"It's okay."

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