Chapter Eighteen

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Jake feels a warm sensation in his chest as he watches Johnnie smile and eat his bread stick.

He's always found Johnnie's smile to be contagious, and it's even more infectious now that they're spending time together again.

"You're welcome, Johnnie. I mean it." He takes another bite of his pizza, feeling grateful for the opportunity to be there for his friend.

They finished their food and exited the restaurant. Johnnie adjusts his jacket as he walks.

His boots made the clacking down as his feet hit the pavement of the parking lot. His chains clattering softly against his chest as he walks.

Jake follows behind Johnnie, admiring his unique sense of style. He's always been drawn to people who have their own unique sense of identity, and Johnnie is no exception.

He watches as Johnnie adjusts his jacket, noticing the chains and the clattering of his boots. "I like your outfit, by the way. The chains are a nice touch." He smiles at Johnnie, hoping to keep the conversation going.

"Thank you," Johnnie smiled a bit as they reached the car. "I remember you dressed so basic, like a frap. Now you're all punk, LA changed you." He jokes.

Jake laughs at Johnnie's comment, enjoying the playful banter. "Yeah, I guess, haha. But I'm still the same old Jake on the inside."

He unlocks the car and opens the passenger door for Johnnie, gesturing for him to get in. "After you."

"Such a gentleman." Johnnie rolls his eyes, laughing as he gets into the passenger seat.

Jake laughs along with Johnnie, feeling a sense of camaraderie as they joke around with each other.

"Hey, I try my best." He closes the passenger door and walks around to the driver's side, getting in and starting the car. "So, you ready to head back to my place?"

"Yeah, I wanna see your place. Maybe we can film a YouTube video or something." Johnnie smiled as he looked at Jake.

Jake smiles back at Johnnie, excited at the prospect of filming a video together. "That sounds like a great idea. We can do a gaming video or something. I have a lot of games on my PC, so we can pick whatever you want."

He pulls out of the parking lot and begins driving towards his house. "I'm really glad we're hanging out again, Johnnie. I've missed this."

"Me too Jake. It's been so long. I was just too nervous to check on ya. Worried that you'd forgotten about me." Johnnie replied, fidgeting with his rings on his tatted knuckles.

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