Chapter Twenty-Five

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A few weeks go by and Johnnie has moved all his stuff into Jake's house. He was feeling happy. Occasionally his depression would bite him late at night, but Jake truly did save him.

Jake has noticed that Johnnie has been a bit more depressed lately, but he doesn't want to pry.

He wants Johnnie to come to him when he's ready to talk. "Hey, Johnnie. I noticed you've been a bit down lately. Is everything okay?" He asks gently, sitting down next to Johnnie on the couch.

It's late at night, Johnnie was still awake. Scrolling on his phone and such. He was depressed because he was uncertain about his sexual orientation and would beat himself up about it.

He didn't say anything though, he just kept his eyes glued into the little device in his tatted hands.

Jake notices that Johnnie is still awake and can't help but feel concerned. He gently takes Johnnie's phone away from him and sets it down on the coffee table. "Johnnie, can I ask you something?" He says, looking at him with a serious expression.

"What?" Johnnie looks over. His blue eyes are locking with Jake's honey-browns.

"Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be gay?" Jake asks, keeping his voice soft and calm.

He doesn't want to scare Johnnie or make him feel uncomfortable, but he thinks it's important to talk about these things.

"I know it can be scary to admit, but I just want you to know that I'll always accept you, no matter what." Jake says.

"Um," Johnnie shrugs. "I don't know. I have been thinking about it recently. There's a guy.. that caught my attention, and I'm not sure if I really like him like that or.. not." Johnnie says a small hint.

Jake's eyes light up with curiosity. "Really? Who is this guy? Have you talked to him at all?" He asks, his voice full of excitement. He's never seen Johnnie so interested in someone before.

Johnnie looks away, a bit embarrassed. "Shut uppp, it's embarrassing. But I'll let you know this, I've known the guy for a long time." His head turned back around, his blue eyes sparkled in silent admiration for Jake.

Jake smiles at Johnnie, noticing the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at him. "Well, I think it's cute that you have a crush on someone."

Johnnie's heart flutters. "Do you think you might like guys?" He suddenly asked back. Feeling an anxious lump in his throat.

Jake is caught off guard by the question, but he doesn't hesitate to answer. "I've never really thought about it before, but I guess I've always been attracted to both guys and girls. I never really cared about gender when it came to who I was attracted to."

He says, squeezing Johnnie's hand. "What about you? Do you think you might be gay?"

"I wouldn't" Johnnie laughs. "I do like girls, but.. I think I like guys too." He blushed a little when Jake squeezed his hand.

Jake smiles at Johnnie's blush, finding it endearing. "So, you're bisexual?" He asks, wanting to make sure he understands Johnnie's feelings correctly.

"Yeah," Johnnie's blue eyes glanced at Jake's lips. "I'm bisexual." His emo eyes slowly look back up to Jake's brown eyes.

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