Chapter Seventeen

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"Yeah gonna be old and dead in the dirt." Johnnie giggles, taking a sip of his drink.

Jake laughs at Johnnie's comment, finding it ironic that he's the one who brought up their age difference in the first place.

"We're not that old. We're still young and full of life. And hey, we've got plenty of time to do all the things we want to do." Jake takes a sip of his root beer, feeling grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Johnnie again. "I know we haven't talked in a while, but I'm glad we're catching up now."

"Yeah, after this.. do you wanna hangout at your place?" Johnnie asks as the waitress brought the pizza and bread sticks over.

Jake is surprised by Johnnie's suggestion, but he's also excited at the thought of spending more time together.

"Sure, I'd love to hang out at my place. I have a pretty sweet setup, and I've got some games we can play." He takes a bite of his pizza, savoring the flavor. "This pizza is amazing, by the way. You should try it."

Johnnie grabs a slice for himself, taking a small bites as he eats.

"So, what have you been up to lately? Anything exciting has happened since we last talked?" He takes another bite of his pizza, feeling content as he enjoys the food and conversation.

Johnnie sets his slice down. He grimaced as he heard this question. "Well,.I.. I haven't been the best," He nervously chuckled.

Jake notices the change in Johnnie's demeanor, sensing that something is bothering him.

"Hey, it's okay. You can tell me anything. We're friends, remember? I'm here to listen." He reaches out and places a hand on Johnnie's shoulder, hoping to offer some comfort. "Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work through it together."

Johnnie's emo makeup eyes softened when he looks at Jake across the table. "Yeah.. I'll uh, tell you more about it when we get done here."

Jake nods, sensing that Johnnie needs some time to gather his thoughts before opening up. "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere."

He smiles at Johnnie, trying to convey that he's here for him no matter what. "Just know that I'm here for you, okay? Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together."

Johnnie felt his heart skip a beat, hearing those words. Truly touched his heart. He smiled as he picks up a bread stick, "Thanks Jake." he says, biting it.

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