Chapter Four

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Years went by, and MDE was starting to fall apart. Currently the roommates are fighting in the living room.

Alex and Johnnie were sitting on the couch, watching the argument between Bryan and Kyle. Bryan was yelling at Kyle, accusing him of stealing his idea for a video.

Kyle was trying to defend himself, but Bryan wasn't having any of it. Alex and Johnnie were starting to get anxious and uncomfortable, but they didn't want to get involved.

Shannon suddenly came down the stairs, "Bryan! We're sick of this! We know what you're doing!" she crossed her arms. "You're stealing half our damn income! All of us!"

Johnnie's mouth drops at the realization. Alex was shocked too.

Bryan scoffed at Shannon's accusation. "I'm not stealing anything! I'm just taking what's rightfully mine. I'm the reason why MDE is still alive, I should be getting more money."

Alex and Johnnie were shocked to hear Bryan's response. They had always assumed that Bryan was on their side, but now it seemed like he was only thinking about himself.

"What?!" Johnnie gets up. "No! that's!– that's ridiculous, dude! we should all get the same amount of money!"

Bryan rolled his eyes and looked at Johnnie dismissively. "You don't understand. I'm the one who does all the hard work. I'm the one who comes up with all the ideas. You guys just follow along and do what I say. You should be grateful that I'm even letting you participate in the videos."

Shannon raises her voice, "No! that's stupid shit! Also, the fact that you've been– technically using us for your own gain!"

Bryan was taken aback by Shannon's accusation. He couldn't believe that she was accusing him of using them. He felt his anger rising and his voice started to get louder. "Using you? That's bullshit! I'm not using you. I'm just taking what's rightfully mine. I'm the star of this group, I deserve more money."

Kyle laughs in disbelief. "I'm done, I'm done with this shit."

Bryan's eyes narrowed at Kyle's response. He couldn't believe that Kyle was actually leaving the group. He turned to Alex and Johnnie, who were still sitting on the couch, and asked them if they were going to leave too.

"Are you guys going to leave too? Or are you going to stick with me and see how successful I can make us?"

Alex suddenly shakes her head. "No, this is over." she retorted. Johnnie stands up and begins to yell at Bryan, feeling hurt and angry about this whole situation.

Bryan was shocked by Alex. He had never seen them stand up to him like this before. He couldn't believe that they were actually leaving him.

"You can't be serious! After everything we've been through together, you're just going to leave me? I thought we were friends." Bryan's voice was full of hurt and disappointment.

Kyle laughs, "No! We aren't your friends, you fucking literally used us. And sexualized us."

Johnnie bit the inside of his cheek, knowing what Kyle said was true. Suddenly Bryan got super mad, especially towards Johnnie.

Bryan's face turned red with anger. He couldn't believe that Kyle would say that to him. He turned to Johnnie, who was still standing there, and yelled at him.

"What the hell are you doing, Johnnie?!! Are you seriously siding with them!!? You know that I've never used you or sexualized you. I've always been there for you and supported you. Don't let them turn you against me."

Johnnie shouts back, "Do I know that?! I don't think I do." he steps back a bit. Bryan's eyes narrowed as he took in Johnnie's words.

Bryan couldn't believe that Johnnie was questioning his intentions. He had always thought that Johnnie was his closest friend, but now he wasn't so sure.

"So what, you think I'm some kind of creep? You think I've been using you all this time? Is that what you're saying?"

Johnnie didn't say anything. The whole room went quiet. Alex gets up and hugs onto Johnnie.

Alex's hug caught Johnnie off guard, but he accepted it and hugged her back. Bryan watched as they embraced each other, feeling a pang of jealousy.

He had always thought that he and Johnnie had a special connection, but now it seemed like Johnnie was closer to Alex than he was to Bryan.

"My digital escape is over." Johnnie says in a soft voice. He did sound extremely hurt, especially since they filmed with Bryan for years. Now he found out the darkest truth that Bryan was doing, and it crushed him.

Bryan's guilt quickly turned to anger. "You know what? Forget it. I don't need you guys anyway. I'm going to keep the money and make a name for myself without you."

"Good luck..." Johnnie says as he walks to his room with Alex, packing his bags. 

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