Chapter Eleven

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Johnnie walks down the sidewalk, feeling the cold air hit his skin. He takes out his phone, and calls his Mom.

Johnnie calls his mother, feeling a mix of emotions. He's sad and hurt, but he's also relieved to be free from the toxic relationship.

He tells her what happened, and she's shocked to hear that he and Alex broke up. She tries to console him, but he's not in the mood to talk about it.

"Hey mom? Can I come move back in? I don't know where else to go." Johnnie replied. Sitting on a bench with his bag next to him.

His mother's voice is filled with sympathy when she hears Johnnie's request.

She tells him that he's always welcome to come back home, and that she'll be there to support him. She knows that he's going through a tough time, and she wants to be there for him. She asks him if he wants her to pick him up.

"Um," Johnnie takes a look around. "I'm downtown." he replied, "Near the McDonald's."

His mother is surprised that he's downtown, but she's not going to question it. She tells him that she'll be there as soon as possible and hangs up the phone.

She quickly grabs her car keys and drives to the McDonald's. When she gets there, she sees Johnnie sitting on a bench with his bag next to him.

Johnnie gets up and slings his bag over his shoulder, walking to the car. He gets inside the passenger. Then he broke down into tears. He hasn't seen his mother face-to-face in awhile.

His mother sees the tears in his eyes and pulls him into a hug. She holds him close, trying to comfort him.

She knows that he's hurting, and she wants to do everything she can to help him.

She rubs his back and whispers words of encouragement, telling him that everything will be okay.

Johnnie pulls back from the hug, sniffling as his facial expression turns empty. He looks out the window as his mother is driving him back home.

Mama Guilbert notices that he's withdrawn and tries to engage him in conversation.

She asks him how he's feeling and if he wants to talk about what happened. But Johnnie remains silent, staring out the window and lost in his thoughts. His mother can tell that he's still hurting, but she doesn't want to push him.

They reached the house, and Johnnie immediately went into his room. Isolating himself.

Mama Guilbert watches as he walks into his room and closes the door behind him. She's worried about him, but she knows that he needs some time to process everything that's happened.

She decides to give him some space and let him work through his emotions on his own. She'll check on him later, but for now, she'll leave him alone.

A couple weeks passed,

and Johnnie has been getting drunk and doing YouTube videos and twitch streams to help his battling depression.

His alcoholism has become a major problem, and his mother is worried about him. She's tried to talk to him about it, but he just brushes her off and says that he's fine.

She's also concerned about his online presence, as she's noticed that he's been spending more and more time on YouTube and Twitch. She's not sure if he's using it as a coping mechanism or if it's a problem as well.

Johnnie is currently streaming in his room, drunk on some jack daniels, playing a video game on his computer. His mother walks in. "Hi!" He laughs, turning his head, as the chat is spamming.

His mother sighs when she sees him drunk and streaming. She knows that he's just trying to distract himself from his problems, but she's worried that he's going to make things worse for himself.

"This is my mama," Johnnie slurred as he points to her and then looks at the chat, seeing them spamming "HI MAMA GUILBERT".

The chat goes crazy when they see his mother, and they start spamming even more messages. Some of them are saying how cute she is, while others are teasing him for having a mommy.

His mother can't help but laugh a little at the situation, but she's also concerned about how drunk he is.

"What's up?" Johnnie slurred as he hiccuped, breath strong of alcohol. He looks at his mom, a dazed drunk smile on his face.

His mother looks at him with a worried expression, noticing the dazed smile on his face. She can tell that he's very drunk and she's not sure what to say to him.

She's not used to seeing him like this, and she's worried that he's going to do something stupid, but he is an adult.. and she knows this.

"Just checking on you." Mama Guilbert replied with a sweet smile, before waving bye to the chat and leaving the emo's room.

Johnnie watches his mother leave, feeling a little bit better after seeing her smile.

He waves goodbye to the chat and closes the stream, turning his attention back to the bottle of Jack Daniels that's sitting on his desk.

He takes a swig from it, feeling the familiar burn as the alcohol goes down his throat.

"Fuck."  He muttered underneath his breath.

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