Chapter Two

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(tw: Bryan)

It's been about a year or so since Johnnie has moved in with Bryan and their other roommates, Kyle, Shannon, Alex, Jordan and Luke.

Johnnie is currently cuddling Alex on the couch, grateful for his girlfriend. "What??" He says as she is looking at him.

Alex looked away and was watching TV and Johnnie was reading a small article on his phone. Bryan was looking at them from the hallway.

"Why you lookin' awayyy?" Johnnie chuckled as he leans in close. Alex laughs and smiles as she turns to Johnnie. She wraps her arms around him and kisses his neck.

Johnnie shifted his head a bit to the side, but then noticed Bryan. "Okay!-" He pulled back and looked over at the blond headed male. "Scared the crap out of me!"

Bryan laughed and stepped into the room. He looked at Alex and Johnnie and gave them a playful smirk.

"Holy shit, scared the fuck outta me." Johnnie laughs, placing a hand on his chest. His other arm is around his girlfriend's waist.

Alex giggled and looked at Bryan. "Hey Bryan."

Johnnie felt a bit creeped out but didn't want to say anything. An uncomfortable expression on his face but it soon switched to a happy one when Kyle came in with the camera. "HELLOOOO!" Kyle greets, holding the camera and recording. "Vlogging time!"

Bryan was surprised by Kyle's sudden entrance. He quickly tried to act normal and smiled. "Hey Kyle." Alex was smiling at Kyle as well.

They started to film a video together, making jokes and such. Shannon and Luke came down the stairs as well to be part of the video.

Bryan decided to make a joke about Alex and Johnnie's relationship. He said it in a joking tone but he was secretly hoping that Alex would be upset. "Hey, do you two ever kiss in front of the camera? That would be funny."

"Uhh, shit." Johnnie laughs, covering his face, and shaking his head. "No, no we haven't." Kyle gasps, aiming the camera and Alex and Johnnie, zooming in and out with the lenses. "KISS!"

Alex was a bit embarrassed and hid her face in Johnnie's shoulder. Johnnie was also embarrassed but he was laughing as well. "Oh my god, Kyle, no!" Alex said.

Kyle laughs as he nods his head. Johnnie groans in embarrassment, as he rubs her shoulder before he lifted his head up and cups her face into his hands.

Alex looked up at Johnnie with a blush on her face. She looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to kiss her.

"Now, don't have it as simple kiss. Makeout." Bryan smirked.

Alex rolled her eyes but didn't argue. She leaned in and kissed Johnnie passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Johnnie returns the kisses, his hands gripping her shoulders. The room goes wild with hoots and hollars.

Kyle felt a little awkward recording this, but he didn't think too much into it. It was a little weird, so he moved the camera to Shannon's face and made a joke with the green dyed haired woman. "Hello, space lady"

Shannon laughed and waved at the camera. Alex and Johnnie eventually pulled away from each other and blushed. Bryan was trying to keep a straight face but he couldn't help but smile at them.

Luke gets up and flips the camera off, chuckling. Bryan suddenly says, "We should roleplay! for the video! Alex, Johnnie, me and Kyle. Okay?"

Alex nods and smiles at the idea. She looked at Johnnie and then back at Bryan. "Yeah, that sounds like fun! What should we roleplay as?"

The four sit on the couch. It was fun at first, but Kyle, Alex and Johnnie started to get uncomfortable with the more sexual Bryan was making the skit.

Alex was visibly uncomfortable but she tried to play it off as if she wasn't. Johnnie looked at Bryan with a look that said 'What the hell are you doing?' Bryan didn't seem to notice their discomfort and kept going with the skit.

Once they finished the video. Kyle, Johnnie and Alex awkwardly listened to Bryan's outro for my digital escape.

Bryan finally noticed their awkward silence, he finished the outro and turned the camera off. He was confused and looked at them. "What's wrong? You guys don't like the skit?"

Alex immediately forced a smile on her face, "No it was fun!" she replied.  Bryan didn't seem to believe her, but he decided not to press the issue. He looked at Johnnie and Kyle. "What about you two? Did you like it?"

"Yeah," Johnnie quickly responded, side hair flipping his emo fringe for a moment as he adjusted his hair. Trying to ease the awkwardness.

It was a little weird, but he was used to making jokes like this with Bryan. Especially in the beginning.

When it was just him and Bryan living together, the skits they made were way more extreme and dirty.

It did make the emo male uncomfortable since he was seventeen at the time and Bryan was twenty four.

Now, Johnnie is nineteen and with his girlfriend Alex, and still living with this creep..

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