Chapter Eight

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Alex is lying in bed with Johnnie, her head resting on his chest. She's feeling content and happy, watching the movie and enjoying his warmth. She can't help but notice the scars on his forearms, and she's concerned about him.

She's seen him self-harm before, but it's been a while since he's done it. She wants to ask him about it, but she doesn't want to ruin the moment.

Suddenly her phone buzzed, saying she got a text. It was the guy. Alex's heart sinks when she sees the text from the guy. She hesitates for a moment before picking up her phone and reading the message.

She knows she shouldn't be texting him, but she can't help herself. She feels a sense of excitement and guilt as she types out a response.

Johnnie is watching the movie, before his eyes look over towards her. She has been on her phone a lot for the past couple weeks and it's starting to worry him.

Alex is so focused on her phone that she doesn't notice Johnnie looking at her. She's too busy texting the guy back, flirting with him and telling him how much she misses him.

She's lost in her own world, completely unaware of how her actions are hurting Johnnie.

"Who are you texting?" Johnnie asks, trying to look at the phone in her hands.
Alex jumps when she hears Johnnie's voice.

She quickly turns off her phone and hides it behind her back, not wanting him to see who she was texting.

She tries to think of an excuse, but her mind is blank. She's caught off guard and doesn't know what to say. "Oh, um, it's just... uh... a friend."

Johnnies eyebrows furrowed together. His eyebrow piercing shifted from the movement. "A friend?" He asked back, uncertain.

Alex hesitates for a moment, but she knows she can't keep lying to Johnnie. She takes a deep breath and decides to tell him the truth.

She pulls out her phone and shows him the text messages between her and the guy. "It's not just a friend. It's a guy I've been talking to. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

Johnnie's heart broke. He felt shattered, broken, as his eyes read each flirty message. 

Alex watches as Johnnie reads the messages. She can see the pain in his eyes and she feels terrible for hurting him.

She wants to take it all back, but it's too late. She can't undo what she's done. "I'm sorry, Johnnie. I didn't mean for it to happen. I don't know what I was thinking." She looks away, ashamed of her actions.

Johnnie didn't cry, he felt numb. His expression turned empty. "I can't," is all that he got out of his shaking lips as he gets off the bed. Staring at her.

Alex is taken aback by Johnnie's reaction. She expected him to yell at her, to be angry and upset. But instead, he's just... numb.

She's never seen him like this before, and it scares her. She gets up and tries to approach him, but he steps back, putting distance between them. "Johnnie, please. Don't do this. Let's talk about it."

"No." Johnnie laughed in disbelief, a pained heartbroken laugh. "I don't wanna talk about it."

Alex feels her heart sink even further. She can tell that Johnnie is hurting, and she hates herself for causing him pain. She wants to make things right, but she doesn't know how.

"Please, just listen to me, Johnnie. I know I messed up, but I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Johnnie couldn't stand those words. He shakes his head. "No, – no. I can't– I can't do this anymore."

Alex is stunned. She can't believe what she's hearing. Johnnie is breaking up with her? She feels like her world is crumbling around her.

She tries to reach out to him again, but he pulls away, shaking his head again. "Johnnie, wait. Please. We can fix this. I'll stop talking to the guy. I'll do anything. Just don't leave me."

"No!" Johnnie shakes his head, his heart is hurting so bad inside his chest. His body felt heavy and weak.

"That doesn't– That doesn't fix shit, no. I'm done."

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