Chapter Nine

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Alex is speechless. She's never seen Johnnie so adamant about something before. She can see the pain in his eyes, and she knows that he means what he says.

She feels helpless, unable to do anything to stop him from leaving. She wants to beg him to stay, but she knows that it won't make a difference.

Suddenly Alex becomes angry and lashes out her real emotions about their relationship.

Alex is overwhelmed by a wave of emotions. She's angry, hurt, and frustrated. She can't believe that Johnnie is ending things so easily.

She wants to scream and yell at him, to make him see how much she cares about him.

"You're just going to leave me like that? After everything we've been through? I thought we were in this together, but clearly, I was wrong. You're just like all the other guys, who only care about themselves." Alex sneered.

"I–" Johnnie laughs in disbelief at what he just heard. Alex's words cut deep. Johnnie can't believe that she's accusing him of being like all the other guys.

He's always tried his best to be a good boyfriend, to be there for her and support her. He thought they had something special, but now it feels like it's all falling apart.

"What the fuck?! I've always been there for you, I've always loved you. But you just couldn't keep your eyes off that other guy, could you?"

Alex is taken aback by Johnnie's words. She didn't expect him to throw her own words back at her.

She knows that she messed up, but she can't stand being accused of being the only one in the wrong.

She takes a deep breath and tries to keep her emotions in check. "Look, I know I made a mistake. But you're not innocent in all of this either. You've been distant lately, and I know you've been holding back things from me. We need to talk about our issues, not just throw blame at each other."

"No!" Johnnie suddenly shouts, tears beginning to build in his eyes. Then an argument broke loose.

The argument quickly escalates, with both Johnnie and Alex yelling at each other and throwing accusations back and forth.

They're both hurting and angry, and it's clear that they can't see eye to eye on anything.

Johnnie's tears begin to fall, and he starts to lose control of his emotions.

Alex is livid. She can't believe that Johnnie is being so stubborn and refusing to listen to her.

She's had enough of his excuses and she wants to make him understand that he's the one who's at fault too. "Why are you being like this? Why can't you just admit that you've been pushing me away? You're always hiding things from me and I'm sick of it. We're supposed to be a team, but you've been acting like you don't even care anymore."

"What?! You fucking cheated on me!" Johnnie shouts at her, holding his tears back. "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

Alex is stunned by Johnnie's outburst. She didn't expect him to bring up the fact that she cheated. She feels guilty and ashamed, but she's also angry that he's using it against her.

She tries to defend herself. "I messed up, okay? I know that. But you're not exactly innocent either. You've been distant!  and I've been feeling neglected. I just wanted to feel loved and appreciated, and that guy made me feel that way."

Johnnie felt so angry and heartbroken. "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" He shouts again. "WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR FIVE FUCKING YEARS!"

Alex is taken aback by Johnnie's fury. She can see the pain in his eyes, and she knows that she's hurt him deeply. She tries to reach out to him again, but he pushes her away.

"Don't touch me," Johnnie hissed underneath his breath. He knew he was bad towards her too. He shakes his head and speaks with a monotoned voice.

"I'm breaking up with you."

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