Chapter Twelve

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This was a cycle, Johnnie sleeps all day, and wakes up and stays up all night, he gets drunk constantly and streams and makes YouTube videos in his room.

But the depression still lingered. His mind traveled to his best friend... remembering that time he talked with him at the park that one night.

Johnnie's mind drifts to his best friend, who he hasn't seen in a while. He remembers how much fun they used to have together, but now things are different.

He misses him, and he wonders if he's okay. He remembers the time they spent at the park, and he feels a sense of longing for those simpler times.

Johnnie is drinking from the bottle in his room, crying softly. He grabs his phone, looking at old pictures he has of Jake and him.

"Why are you on my mind..?" Johnnie downs a bit of the bottle, the jack was half gone. Staring at the certain frap boy in the picture.

"I miss him.. I wonder if he even thinks about me." Johnnie sniffled as he stared at the picture.

The next night,

Johnnie is streaming on his computer. He filmed a video earlier and posted it about his depression, saying it was getting worse. But currently he is on his computer, streaming.

Jake on the other hand is living in his own house, he has been making videos and streaming too. Currently scrolling around twitch, Jake was bored. His entire style changed, he's grown, and he's happy with his life.

Jake suddenly sees Johnnie's name on twitch, active.  His eyes widen, "Johnnie...?" He says as he clicks the username to watch.

Johnnie was drunk out of his mind, laughing as he was engaging with his fans and clicking around on his computer.

suddenly a fan says in the comments, 'You should collaborate with Jake Webber.'

Johnnie looks at the chat, "Jake Webber..?" he laughed a bit, but dismissed it, trying to force himself to forget. "No, I don't even know who the fuck that is." He replied, sassily.

Jake was a little hurt by that, but didn't show it. He continues watching the stream, hoping that he will say something else.

Johnnie is playing his game when he gets the notification. He sees that Jake is requesting to raid him, and he accepts it. He is both excited and nervous, but he doesn't show it.

"Uh, thanks.. I guess." Johnnie says as he continues to stream for a bit longer. He couldn't believe this, his teen-hood best friend is reuniting with him, even if it's from social media.

Johnnie streams a bit longer before clicking off. Then, he sees a request from Jake to follow him on Instagram, then Twitter(X), then Snapchat, then tiktok.

Johnnie immediately accepts all the requests. He sits on his bed, legs tucked in as his lights are off. He was at his deepest and darkest emotional wreck right now. So, hearing about Jake really did help him feel a wave of nostalgia.

Johnnie opened Instagram, and dms Jake.

johnnieguilbert: 'Hey.'

Jake sees Johnnie sent him a dm and immediately replied.

jakewebber9:  'hey, are you okay?'

Johnnie stared at the message. Before texting back,

johnnieguilbert: 'it's been so long. I'm in LA still, are you?'

jakewebber9: 'I'm in LA. Can I come sit with you?'

johnnieguilbert: 'you left kansas?'

jakewebber9: 'Yeah, I did. I left Kansas a few years ago to pursue my music career. But I still miss it sometimes.'

johnnieguilbert: 'im making music too. i miss you.'

jakewebber9: 'I miss you too. I'm glad you're making music too. Maybe we can work on something together sometime?'

johnnieguilbert: 'yeah please. can we meet up tomorrow? i really want to see you. i have been so depressed lately and i have been through so much shit.'

jakewebber9 : 'Yeah, absolutely. I'd love to meet up tomorrow. Do you want to come over to my place?'

johnnieguilbert: 'send your address.🖤'

jakewebber9: ' okay. :) '

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