♡Chapter Thirty♡

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Johnnie takes Jake's hand as the two walk up the stairs. The emo felt so tired as he hugs Jake's down as they walk down the hallway.

Jake notices how tired Johnnie is and picks him up, carrying him the rest of the way to the bedroom.

He gently lays him down on the bed and crawls in beside him, wrapping his arms around him. "Tired?" He asks softly, brushing his fingers through Johnnie's hair.

Johnnie sleepily mumbled, "You lifted me with ease.." As a smile grows onto his face. "But yes, babe. I'm tired."

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's comment and gives him a playful nudge. "Well, you're pretty light. And I'm strong." He says, grinning proudly.

He pulls Johnnie closer to him, kissing his forehead and running his fingers through his hair again. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. Just rest now, and I'll be right here with you."

"You're My Savior." Johnnie spoke softly. Drawing shapes on Jake's barechest.

Jake's heart skips a beat as Johnnie speaks those words, feeling a rush of affection for him. He pulls him even closer, burying his face in Johnnie's hair and inhaling deeply.

He loves the way Johnnie's scent fills his nostrils, and he can't help but smile at the thought of being Johnnie's savior. "And you're my everything." He whispers back, kissing the top of Johnnie's head.

"Don't inhale too much, you're gonna get high from the fumes of my fucking hair spray." Johnnie laughs as he jokingly says this.

Jake laughs as well, feeling a sense of calmness wash over him. "Oh, I'm already high on your love, babe." He says, smiling and squeezing Johnnie tightly.

Johnnie lifts his head. "That is the most fucking cheesy ass thing I've ever heard out of your damn fuckin' cute ass dweeb lips."

Jake bursts out laughing at Johnnie's response, finding his insults adorable. "You love it, don't lie."

He says, leaning in to kiss Johnnie's cheek. "I can't help it if I'm a hopeless romantic. It's just who I am."

"Oh my God, you're hotter when you gaslight me." Johnnie replied, sarcastically with a laugh.

Jake chuckles at Johnnie's sarcastic response, enjoying their playful banter. "Oh, you know you love it when I gaslight you. You're so easy to manipulate." He says, smirking mischievously.

"Uh-huh, okay you little bitch." Johnnie snickers, playfully flicking Jake's chest.

Jake yelps as Johnnie flicks his chest, feigning hurt. "Hey, watch it! I'm sensitive, you know." He says, sticking his tongue out at Johnnie and giving him a light shove.

Johnnie laughs as he shifts back over and lays his head back down on Jake's chest. "I'm more sensitive than you, I'm emo." he holds his laughter back.

Jake rolls his eyes at Johnnie's comment, finding his emo persona to be both amusing and endearing.

"Yeah, sure. You're definitely more sensitive than me, with all those dark clothes and brooding expressions." He says, ruffling Johnnie's hair playfully.

"MY BREEDING EXPRESSIONS?" Johnnies mouth dropped, laughing loudly as he misheard what Jake said.

Jake's eyes widen as he realizes what he said, and he starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, NO! I meant your brooding expressions, like the ones you make when you're thinking too hard about something." He says, still laughing.

"What the fuck is brooding?!" Johnnie laughs, shaking his head. "I'm dyslexic! I don't fucking know what the fuck those fancy ass words mean!"

Jake laughs even harder, realizing that Johnnie probably didn't know what "brooding" meant.

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