Chapter Seven

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It hasn't gotten better, months passed and Alex was just done with it. She has been secretly cheating on Johnnie behind his back, and right now she's texting the guy on her iphone.

Alex has been feeling trapped in her relationship with Johnnie for months. She loves him, but she's also been feeling neglected and unappreciated.

She's been seeing another guy on the side, and the relationship has become a distraction from her problems with Johnnie.

She texts the guy constantly, telling him how much she misses him and how much she wants to see him.

"-Hi Lola!!" Johnnie walks in the room, greeting the pug. He crouched down and pets the dog happily.

Alex is startled by Johnnie's sudden appearance. She quickly puts her phone away and tries to act natural. She smiles at him and pets the dog as well, trying to pretend like everything is okay. "Hey, Johnnie. How was your day?"

"My day was okay, vlogged with Kyle." Johnnie replied as he picks up the dog and carries Lola to the bed.

Alex is relieved that Johnnie didn't seem to notice anything suspicious about her behavior. She sits down on the bed next to him and watches as he plays with the dog. "That's nice. How's Kyle doing?"

"He's great." Johnnie nodded, playing with Lola with a smile on his face. "Such a good puppy!"

Alex can't help but smile at how much Johnnie loves the dog. She's always found it endearing how much he cares about Lola.

She leans her head on his shoulder and watches as he plays with the dog. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been worried about you lately."

Johnnie didn't say anything, he just plays with the pug for a bit longer before he kissed his girlfriend's cheek.

Alex leans into the kiss, feeling comforted by his affection. She's been worried that Johnnie was pulling away from her, but it seems like he's still in love with her.

She wraps her arms around him and holds him close, feeling grateful for his presence.

"Hi." Johnnie smiled as he was held by Alex, giggling a bit. Alex giggled as well, feeling happy and safe in Johnnie's arms. She looks up at him and sees the genuine affection in his eyes.

She feels a sense of guilt for cheating on him, but she pushes those thoughts aside and focuses on the moment. "Hi, babe. I missed you."

"I was only gone for a minute," Johnnie laughs as he pecks her lips. "What's new?"

Alex shrugs and smiles at him. "Not much. I've just been hanging out with Lola and thinking about you. I'm glad you're home."

She leans her head on his chest and listens to his heartbeat. She feels at peace in his arms, like nothing else matters.

"I'm ready for a movie, bed, and my baby." Johnnie's hands rested on her hips as he kissed her with more passion.

Alex kisses him back with equal passion, feeling the heat rise between them. She pulls away from the kiss and looks up at him, smiling. "Sounds like a perfect evening to me. I'll get the movie started."

Johnnie is shirtless, a bit of healed scars on his forearms as he is cuddling Alex. Watching the movie with her. Lola is curled up at the foot of the bed, sleeping.

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