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The cops were angry that Y/n wouldn't call anyone to come and get them. Y/n didn't have anyone to call. Danielle wasn't really their girlfriend anymore and Y/n didn't want Olivia to call her.

"Well, it's either you call someone to come get you or I'll have to let Olivia sign responsibility over you," The Deputy told Y/n.

"I'll just take my punishment. Don't get either of them involved," Y/n lowly responded.

Y/n was already ashamed. They didn't have the heart to have to face Danielle or Olivia after misbehaving.

- Danielle POV -

I was upset. I was very upset that Y/n still didn't know how to properly behave. You would think that Y/n would have matured by now...

But I guess that wasn't the case.

"Really?" I looked mugged Y/n as I signed their paperwork.

Thanks to Felix and Olivia, Y/n was let out with a warning. Y/n didn't even have to pay the fine for fighting in public and causing a disturbance.

"Sorry," was all Y/n could say.

"You should know better. Especially because you could be sued to hell and back by Jake," I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Jihye," Oli suddenly whispered under her breath.

Olivia didn't usually call me by my other birth name around Y/n, but it seemed like she wanted me to shut up.

"No, Y/n should know better. Y/n, you're too grown to be acting this way!" I started to get agitated with both of them.

It was one thing for Y/n to behave oddly around us... but it was another to be misbehaving in public...

"Wow," I heard Felix mumble under his breath.

"Y/n, C'mon!" Oli suddenly pulled Y/n out of the police station with her.

"No," I pulled Y/n back.

"Okayyyyy!" Y/n snatched their arm back and backed away a few steps.

We watched attentively... waiting for Y/n to say something...

But Y/n just quietly turned around and walked out of the police station.

- Y/N POV -

"Y/n, C'mon!" Olivia kept yelling.

I wasn't having any of it. I wasn't sure I even wanted to act properly at that point. I didn't want to listen to anybody. I didn't care what Danielle thought or Olivia or even Felix...

I just wanted to be by myself.

I was so angry and so resentful of everything and everyone around me. I didn't care about being the villain. I didn't care about being the weak one, or the weird one, or the loner, or the loser.

I just wanted everyone to leave me alone.

"Y/n!" Danielle suddenly pulled her car in front of me and got out of her car.

I tried to walk past her but she quickly grabbed my arm.

"Can you please stop making a scene?" Danielle hissed under her breath.

I bitterly chuckled under my breath.

"I'm sorry I'm embarrassing," I scoffed and snatched my arm to keep walking.

Probably the worst feeling ever... was knowing that I would never be like everyone else... knowing that everyone else can somehow regulate their feelings or behave according to society's standards...

But I couldn't have a night out to release my feelings without being a goddam burden.

"Y/n!" I could hear Olivia and Felix yelling after me...

- Olivia POV -

"Dude!" I walked over with the intent to fight Danielle.

"Okay. I'll call a cab and we can at least follow Y/n that way!" Felix kindly, yet drunkenly, skipped over to try to hail a taxi down.

It was getting really late and I didn't want Y/n going home by themselves just to continue drinking.

"Y/n should know better. I don't know why you're babying them," Danielle hissed under her breath and tried to get back in her car.

I tightened my jaw in anger.

I would've thought that Danielle would be the one to understand Y/n the most, but it was clear that the distance had caused a drastic drift between the two.

"I don't understand why you're being so harsh," I huffed back.

"Because, Y/n should know better. Y/n has their own place, they go to work, they're extremely independent. Y/n should know better than to put all of that at risk," Danielle scoffed.

I snickered at the pure ignorance bleeding through.

It wasn't often when I felt like Danielle and Dad were one and the same, but this was definitely one of those times.

I always thought I was the most similar to our father... but it was clear that maybe that wasn't the case...

"Maybe I shouldn't have called you. It's clear that you're just like everyone else. And there's nothing wrong with that...," I sighed out in defeat.

I wasn't going to fight for something that clearly wasn't meant for the long run.

The separation, the hooking up, everything that had happened between the two... it was too much... it was clear that they were growing up to be two different people...

And I couldn't afford for one more person to make Y/n feel like they're beyond repair.

I couldn't afford someone else looking at Y/n like they weren't okay or that they weren't normal...

I couldn't afford for Danielle to look at Y/n like everyone else did.







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