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"I'm fine!" Y/n slurred under their breath, as Felix tried to get Y/n lay on the sofa.

Olivia had managed to get Y/n in a cab and take them home.

Felix felt uneasy about the whole situation and he lowkey wanted to agree with Danielle, but he knew how protective Olivia was over Y/n.

Felix knew that the way to get Olivia to go away was to bad mouth Y/n. Olivia was harsh on Y/n herself, but she never allowed for someone outside the family to speak ill of Y/n.

"Can you just shut up?!" Olivia was getting annoyed with Y/n's drunken state.

- Olivia POV -

"Out!" Danielle suddenly barged into Y/n's place.

"Wait, how'd you get in here?" Felix asked a bit confused.

I was a bit confused myself, but I wouldn't put it past Y/n to give Danielle a key to their place.

"You get out!" I stepped in front of her and crossed my arms.

"Y/n is my responsibility," Danielle tightened her jaw out of bitterness.

I could see it in her eyes that she wasn't doing this out of love. She genuinely felt pestered by Y/n...

"No, they're not!" I scoffed.

"Mine. Y/n has been my responsibility from the start!" Danielle started to raise her voice.

"Responsibility? Over Y/n?" I chuckled in amusement.

Y/n hated when people acted like they were responsible for them. Even if it was for a few minutes or for some trivial thing like a baseball game that wasn't as fun as the person made it out to be.

Y/n absolutely hated those words.

"I am no one's responsibility but my own!" Y/n always yelled in anger.

Deep down...,

I knew that all came from different instances in life where they felt like a burden or they felt like such a nuisance in someone's life. Especially in our lives...

"What are you laughing at?" Danielle stepped up as if she wanted to fight.

"I feel bad for you," I snickered with contempt.

"I feel so bad that I misunderstood the relationship between you two. While Y/n is completely in love with you... you care for nothing more than your own livelihood," I scoffed.

"Y/n might just be a summer fling for you or whatever... but if this is who you're going to be... I hope you're being honest with Y/n and not giving them false hope," I sighed before walking out of the front door.

- Danielle POV -

I watched as Felix followed Olivia out of the house.

I didn't really understand what I was doing wrong. Y/n should know better. Y/n shouldn't be acting out in public like that...

Yes, Y/n had behavioral issues due to their trauma...

But I feel like Y/n knew better than to misbehave in public and put everything they've worked for at risk.

"Oil- Oli-," Y/n started to mumbled.

I furrowed my brows at the fact that Y/n was calling my sister's name instead of mine.

"Don't let Danielle see me like this," Y/n drunkenly slurred.

I felt even more uneasy with that specific request.

"Why not?" I was genuinely curious.

"Because-...," Y/n started coughing.

I quickly ran over to get Y/n some water... but as I did so...

Y/n mumbled, "Because... I don't think she'll... love me anymore...when she sees that I'm not as good as I appear to be."

- Y/N POV -

As harsh as Olivia was at times, I knew I could trust her. Oftentimes, my pride got in the way of letting her help me... but I knew... I could trust her when I did something I wasn't supposed to...

"Then maybe you shouldn't lie to her when you're not okay," Olivia's voice sounded a bit different... but I figured it was just because I was drunk...

"I- I'm not lying to her!" I felt like I was yelling.

Olivia was used to my behavior at this point. I wasn't always drunk when I let my honest feelings out, but either way, she treated me like it.

"I-I- I just don't- I don't think I can trust her," I huffed out.

"I mean... if she really loved me... then we wouldn't be doing this! This arrangement wouldn't be happening. What about me?! What about my happiness and my exploration of happiness in life?! Yes, I'm okay with the basics. I worked so hard for them and honestly... I am very proud of myself... but what about the rest of it? My life only knows one happy thing and it is her...," I started rambling.

"What if I can't find anything that compares to her?" I felt my drunken tears coming.

"Maybe, your happiness shouldn't rely on her?" I felt Olivia put an ice pack on my chest.

"It doesn't... I just think... I think... I- don't think I've ever felt the way she makes me feel. Maybe I'm just crazy. Maybe I should just take things for how they are and let her be," I sighed out.

"And how are things?" Olivia acted as if she didn't know what was really going on...

But I entertained her question, "You know, not genuine. She keeps running back to me because it's familiar or because it's easy."

"But it doesn't feel the same anymore. I feel judged," I sighed out.






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