Let's start the MAYHEM!!!

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When I got to the end of the staircase, all I saw was darkness around me and this platform... well I was standing on it and it was definitely metal and not the ground but other than that... just darkness. That is what I thought until I saw a small pult with buttons. One glance at it and I couldn't help myself but flip this one switch. It was the only one available. I couldn't do more damage than break something... which was kinda the goal here anyways.


It was literally everything I could say.

The light turned on and I was met with the head of the zero pointer. That thing was huge! Like this platform was literally in front of it. 




FILTHY RICH People......

Me: Jackpot...

While I was there, I could only smile at it. This was not only a platform being in front of the robot but there was also a way to get there. The whole thing was controlled manually... and I was standing right at the beginning of the path to the head and to the hatch. Now this was why the zero pointer was a zero pointer..... we could use it in the exercise. It was not definited as enemy just YET

Me: pfff...hahahahahaha.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Once I realized all this, I immediately stormed to get inside this thing and see how the control panel would work or how it would be controlled in the first point. To my surprise it was just like a VR game. There was a headset... there was a moving platform... some gloves... some boots.... and I guess that was it.

Obvioulsy... didn't take me long to get myself positioned as the pilot of it.

AND OBVIOUSLY I was enjoying this too much.

Me: Oh HOHOHOHO this is epic!

I can't believe that this is happening!

I am inside a freaking robot...

How cool is this?

I am piloting a freaking robot and I don't even have my driving lycense yet as well!!!!

Starting the robot was simple... I started the headset and was instantly connected. 

A loud sound echoed threw the underground storage room and red light was going off. There was a coundown on my scream as well.


I wonder what the heroes will say about this...

They certainly didn't plan this at all.

I thought the robots were connected together....

Hence them not showing this huge monster.



Should I be scared?

Any consequences?

Ahhh I'll figure it out later.

I don't have a single point yet....

Might as well start collecting them.


The sound stopped and I felt some vibration going on. The room started to get brighter and brighter and yet I could still hear the countdown going on.


It seems as if the hatch was now opened and the platform I was on, was also removed from my field of vision. 


Any time now and the robot would get up on the playing field. This was my trump card....a hiden joker which Nezu prepared damn well. 


No joke, this wasn't even easy to find at all. It took a lot of observation to find this. Props to the rat. This robot was huge and he managed to hide it this well. If I should take a guess, I would say it was about 13 stories high? Insane... just insane. I was at a loss for words when I saw it at first too....


The red light vanished and the platform was starting to move upwards bringing this huge thing up. The coundown stopped and now I could hear a voice counting down with this headset. It was definitely about to start.


I mean my plan was more than simple.... at first it was to destoy all the robots with a command or signal. Don't know how I should have done that while not knowing anything about technic but hey everything is possible and even if it meant smashing the whole thing into pieces so that no signal or power could get to it.... well let's just say my plan A) was a bit brutal and I hoped for a big red power off button.


But this was way better!

I was exited for it.

I could just smash the robots while being in a robot.

This certainly would give me some more points... right?

Oh and to top it off... this would certainly make the whole exercise more universality friendly. In here could fit a couple of people and if they all would work together, the points could be split and even quirkless or weak quirked people could get into UA thanks to their observation skills and their skills.


It's starting!

Get ready!




























Try Me Bitch (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now