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(Chapter 6✨ already updated on scrollstack )

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(Chapter 6already updated on scrollstack )

As I extended my hand towards her, hoping to offer assistance, she seemed to ignore me and instead leaned on her friend for support.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. "May I help?"

I asked again, this time directing my question to her friend.

She replied with a polite "thank you," acknowledging my offer.

I noticed she was struggling to walk, and out of genuine concern, I tried once more,

"Excuse me, if you need any help, just let me know."

Unexpectedly, she responded sharply, "Can't you understand?"

Her words stung, leaving me taken aback. No one had ever spoken to me like that before. Anger simmered inside me, my hands involuntarily clenched into fists.

Just then, Aunty approached, her arrival a welcome distraction.

"Veer, can you hold Ira for a moment?" she asked.

Without hesitation, Ira came into my arms, clutching onto my t-shirt tightly. She nestled her face against my neck, and in that moment, all my irritation melted away.

I turned to Aunty, intending to speak, but she anticipated my question and gently cut me off, reassuring me, "Beta, I'll take care of Dhriti."

Ira's breath tickled my neck, and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked in my arms.

Gently, I patted her back, feeling her slowly relax in my embrace. It was in this quiet moment that I realized how much Ira trusted me, and all the earlier frustration faded into warmth.

I stopped gently patting Ira's back as Aditya's voice broke the serene moment, "She's asleep, bro."

I nodded in acknowledgment, silently admiring how peaceful she looked in her sleep.

Aditya continued, "Bro, she's so cute," and I couldn't help but hum in agreement.

Carefully, I settled down, cradling Ira in my arms.

Just then, Aunty appeared, her presence signaling a change in plans.

"Beta, give Ira to me, otherwise Dhriti will start worrying," she gently suggested.

Reluctantly, I nodded, preparing to hand Ira over. However, instead of letting go, Ira clung to me as if she knew I was about to leave her.

Aunty chuckled softly and advised, "Go on, take her to her mother. She's on the 7th floor, Room No. 704."

Reluctantly, I stepped into the elevator, feeling a pang of reluctance at the thought of parting from Ira.

Midway through the short journey, I sensed Ira stirring awake. Before I could react, she began to cry softly, and panic briefly surged through me.

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