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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the weight of sleep still lingering in my body

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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the weight of sleep still lingering in my body.

The first thing I noticed was the warmth surrounding me, the steady rhythm of a heartbeat beneath my ear.

I was lying on him, nestled on the couch in the closet. My head rested on his chest, my hand curled around his torso, while his arms were wrapped securely around me, his hands resting gently on my waist.

His legs were positioned to protect me, preventing me from falling off the couch.

A sense of safety and comfort washed over me, a feeling so foreign yet so intoxicating.

I didn't want to move, didn't want to break the spell that this moment had cast over me.

Then, I felt him stir, his body shifting slightly beneath me. Panicking, I shut my eyes, hoping he wouldn't realize I was awake.

That's when I felt it-a soft, lingering kiss pressed to the sensitive spot between my shoulder and neck.

The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, but I fought to keep still, not wanting to give away that I was aware of his every move.

His fingers began to trace gentle patterns on my exposed stomach, the light touch sending waves of electricity through my body.

I silently cursed myself for choosing to wear a crop top, feeling vulnerable under his touch.

In the next moment, he scooped me up into his arms, cradling me as if I weighed nothing.

I continued to feign sleep, my heart pounding in my chest. He carried me to the bed and carefully laid me down, tucking me in under the duvet with such tenderness that it made my chest ache.

"Sorry for everything," he whispered, his breath warm against my forehead as he placed a gentle kiss there.

His words hung in the air, heavy with emotion. Before I could process what he said, I heard the soft click of the bathroom door as he left the room.

Relief washed over me, but so did a wave of confusion and longing.

I opened my eyes to find my baby sleeping peacefully beside me, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.

Reaching out, I gently stroked her cheek, my heart swelling with love.

"Mumma loves you, baby,"
I whispered, feeling the overwhelming need to protect her from the complexities of my own emotions.

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