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Chapter 10 updated on scrollstack ✨!!

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Three years ago, I found myself in the bustling streets of New York City, pursuing my business studies.

It was a city that never slept, just like my ambitions and the constant tug-of-war with my father's expectations.

"Dad wants you back in India," my sister had relayed over a crackling international call. "Mom's not well."

I knew it was a ruse, a gentle ploy to bring me back into the fold of our family's less-than-legal business dealings. 

I was adamant about forging my own path, diving headfirst into the world of technology, hacking, and all things digital.

As the plane touched down on Indian soil, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over me.

The vibrant chaos of my homeland was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

I had been away for too long, pursuing my dreams.

My father stood at the entrance, his presence as imposing as ever.

His sharp eyes, accustomed to assessing people, settled on me with a mixture of curiosity and expectation.

"So, what’s your plan now?"
he asked, his tone more commanding than curious.

I took a deep breath. "I want to be an artist, Dad. I've learned a lot while I was away, including some tech skills that could be useful. I can handle the business if needed, but my passion lies in art."

His face darkened, the lines of his age deepening with frustration.
"You think you can just wander off and follow some whim? The real world is harsh, and art won't pay the bills. You need to join the family business.
I've got connections, and there's more to our operations than just the surface. If you want to live comfortably, you have to earn it."

The words hit me like a cold slap. I knew he was involved in illegal dealings, but I had hoped naively, perhaps that I could be awayfrom that world.

The conflict between our values was nothing new, but it was never this intense.

"I won't be part of that world, Dad. I want to make my own path."

The argument escalated, voices rising, filled with anger and disappointment.

His words echoed with a harsh finality: “You have to earn hard to fulfill your expenses. If you can’t do that, you’re not welcome here.”

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