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The day had been long, but moments like these made everything worth it.

As I followed Dhriti into the room, a sense of calm washed over me.

Ira was in my arms, her tiny hands clutching onto me as if she could sense the security I provided. I gently placed her on the bed, her little body nestling into the sheets as I made my way to the closet.

The warm water from the shower helped me shed the day's weariness, and I emerged refreshed, dressed in a simple grey T-shirt and black sweatpants.

When I returned to the room, the sight before me filled my heart with warmth.

Dhriti was trying to feed Ira, but our little one, stubborn as ever, was refusing to eat.

Dhriti, my Cherry, was doing everything she could think of—dancing, singing, even putting on Ira’s favorite show on the phone, but nothing was working.

Ira was as stubborn as her mother.

I couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

This was my family, my everything.

"Let me help you," I offered, walking over to them. Dhriti hummed in agreement, her eyes never leaving Ira as she continued her efforts.

I picked Ira up and placed her on my lap, her small body leaning into mine.

Dhriti held the bowl, her eyes focused, determination etched on her face.

I began to make silly actions, waving Ira’s tiny hand in the air as if she were performing a little dance.

"Cherry," I teased, watching as Dhriti fought to keep a straight face.

The nickname never failed to soften her, just as it did now.

Together, we managed to coax Ira into eating. Bite by bite, she finally relented, her little mouth opening as Dhriti carefully fed her.

When the bowl was finally empty, Dhriti let out a sigh of relief, her body relaxing as she wiped Ira's face.

She made her drink water, her movements tender as she kissed our daughter on the forehead.

I watched them, my heart swelling with emotions I could hardly contain.

This was what I lived for, these quiet, beautiful moments with the two people who meant everything to me.

Dhriti caught me staring and raised an eyebrow. "What?" she asked, a playful tone in her voice.

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