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I was on the bed with Ira, laughing at the little noises she made as she played with her toys

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I was on the bed with Ira, laughing at the little noises she made as she played with her toys.

But my mind was far from these innocent moments. It raced with thoughts of how to make Nia and Pulkit pay for what they tried to do to my family.

The anger simmered under the surface, threatening to spill over, but Ira’s laughter kept me grounded.

Then, just as my thoughts darkened, my focus was stolen by my beautiful wife who walked in wearing  her fancy dresses.

She looked breathtaking, as always, and I realized I was gawking at her.

I quickly looked away, feeling a mix of admiration and guilt.

I knew she could be the death of me someday with how effortlessly she captured my attention. Flustered, I rushed to the bathroom to clear my mind.

When I came back, I tried to distract myself, slipping on my earbuds and checking my emails.

But it wasn’t long before Ira tugged one of them out, her tiny voice demanding my attention.

Aajvansh falvate!” she exclaimed, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I had taught her that phrase myself—only I could be her favorite, after all.

I noticed cherry was watching us, and when I raised my eyebrow in question, she quickly looked away.

I thought she might be tired, but I wasn’t ready to ask.

I set my laptop aside and pulled out my other earbud, focusing on Ira’s giggles as she moved her dolls around, babbling in her own language.

I nodded along, not understanding a word, but loving every moment.

Then, to my surprise, Cherry stood up and picked up that brat, Ira’s soft toy, and held it close.

No one’s talking to me, so I’ll talk to you. You’ll keep me company today,”

she murmured, lying on the bed and hugging that toy like it was something precious.

What was its name again?
Cheeku, that’s right. But why was she kissing it?
She never kissed me like that.

Ira, sensing the shift, patted my cheek and said, “Aajvansh, Cheeku, Mumma.”

I watched as Dhriti kissed Cheeku’s soft, worn-out face, whispering,

You’re my baby,” while gently patting its cheeks.

Ira and I exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between us.

This wasn’t fair. Cheeku was getting all the attention!

Determined not to be outdone, we both moved toward Dhriti.

Ira, ever the little force of nature, ran and jumped onto Dhriti’s back, yelling, “Mumma!” as if reclaiming her rightful place.

I couldn’t help but join in, playfully calling out, “Cherry!".

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