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As I drove, my mind swirled with thoughts of my baby, Ira

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As I drove, my mind swirled with thoughts of my baby, Ira.

The joy of discovering she was my daughter felt like I was floating on air.

Her eyes, mirroring my own, made the connection between us undeniable.

Yet, a pang of betrayal gnawed at me.
How could she have been hidden from me all this time?

I never even dreamed of having a child in this world.
But now that she's here, I am determined to be the best father I can be.

I felt a deep ache knowing I missed holding her for the first time when she arrived.

I resolved to let her choose her own path, never forcing my will upon her. It’s overwhelming to think about all these things, but I need to stay focused.

To meet Ira properly, I need to present myself well dressed and groomed.

Tomorrow, I'll return to her, and we’ll go shopping together.

My heart aches with the uncertainty of whether she will accept me as her father.

As I walked through the door of the penthouse, the chaos that greeted me was overwhelming.

The once pristine space now looked like a tornado had struck.

I’d left it in disarray, knowing I’d be away for some time, but seeing it like this was still disheartening. I ordered my staff to get things sorted out quickly.

Within an hour, they had transformed the space into something resembling a home, ready for my Lakshmi’s arrival.

Lakshmi was not just anyone, she was my Lakshmi.

Over the past two years, I’d invested heavily in shares and stocks, watching my investments grow steadily.

The business was thriving, and my financial decisions were paying off. It all felt like it was coming together perfectly.

Despite the successes, there had been a lingering doubt.

I confronted Dhriti with a question that had been gnawing at me, was Ira really my child?

The timing of our encounter 33 months ago seemed to cast a shadow of uncertainty.

But Dhriti’s confirmation cleared that doubt, reaffirming what I needed to believe.

Now, as I stood in the polished penthouse, I could finally envision it as a real home.

I could feel the weight of my decision pressing down on me as I approached Dhriti’s apartment. The thought that she might not be ready.

The very idea that she could deny Ira a stable life with me, her biological father, was unbearable.

My love for Ira is fierce and undying, and I would go to any lengths to protect her

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